Chapter 17

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There was a surprisingly high amount of pollution tainting the air. It had not caused Dib to cough though he had clearly acknowledged the issue when his breathing grew erratic. He'd soon familiarise himself to the foreign atmosphere. The anxiety over his abnormal breathing pattern grew and so did his anxiety over acknowledgment of where he had parked his ship. A foolish place to leave a vehicle really - an alien car park, or as they called it here - a car park. While worrying about the out-of-place human clothing he wore, among other differences, he swiftly navigated the masses back toward his ship, got in, and turned on the ignition. He'd have to hide the ship if he were ever to leave it anywhere, if someone were to find it out here they could probably gather the evidence that he clearly wasn't an Irken citizen, but he wasn't sure if there was any sort of punishment for that. You can learn a significant amount about a culture by staring out the window of your vehicle at it, he saw the currency, the fashion, the food. All through billboards and other such brain-numbing advertisements.

Dib spotted a place to park in what may have been considered and looked to be a Poorer part of the planet, rows of houses or slums, the sort you'd hear of in cramped towns. A perfect place to hide a ship.

He had done it, Dib had hidden the ship, and expertly too. He had awkwardly put it between some nearby wild bushes, no one will find it here. Despite having flown there, he wasn't far from the city and people. He made his way back to the main town, it was difficult to get anywhere when everyone else was constantly walking in the opposite direction. At one point he noticed a school or other? Some alien education centre. Dib knelt down and eyed the Irken characters - completely unreadable. He retrieved a device from his coat pocket that he created years ago to understand it, in his unknown language. It read: 'Want to work for the Almighty Tallest?' Surely that means weapons class training right? Dib thought. After a couple of scads of hesitation, Dib reluctantly stepped inside in hopes of an application.

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