Chapter 5

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The following morning, Zim was up with a start. Irkens didn't need sleep, but had gotten used to it, and it felt good too. He had heard of the clothes humans wore to bed, he had adopted the concept of 'pyjamas' and wore an oversized baby blue shirt for the occasion. He could already hear GIR blaring downstairs. As he made is way downstairs, barefoot and energised, GIR's screaming became clearer.
"Waffles!" The robot screeched in delight, much to Zims amusement. The alien seated himself at the table before being served a decent plateful of scrumptious waffles, topped with syrup, whipped cream and strawberries. Much like sleep, Irkens also don't need to eat, but it was common practice on Irk anyhow due to the temptations of delicious treats. Zim may have been animated inside, but to an onlooker it would appear that Zim was rather weary. Eyes half closed, antennae everywhere, topped with a subtle smile. In complete bliss, Zim delicately indulged in his preprepaired breakfast. As Lego pieces do, his wig fit with a clean finish, it was a tad uncomfortable for his poor antennae, but he was used to it by now. Once he was ready in his invader uniform he waved GIR off and sauntered to the bus stop.

Much like yesterday, Zim was already at the bus stop, twiddling his thumbs on a bench that had erected there since yesterday. Dib silently sat beside him.
"So you uhhh- ready for another rehearsal today?" Dib enquired, first to fabricate conversation.
"Yes. Zim will out act everybody!" He announced. Dib just smiled at Zim's attempt at a mediocre response, remaining silent for the rest of the time they sat alone beside one another. A while later, a sufficient amount of students gathered at this particular bus stop, and the rugged yellow bus, tagged and graffitied, trundled down the lane. It halted before and students began to pour in, in a terrifying unstoppable hurricane of zit covered horrors and teen angst ridden casualties. And then came Dib and Zim lagging behind with similar, other nerdy nobodies. Immediately before Zims turn, he began obsessively fumbling around his clothing, which obviously would've alerted Dib, which it inevitably did. The girl before Zim entered the bus, leaving a worried looking alien facing the bus driver.
"Bus pass." She demanded. It was clear as day to Dib what was going on now, he had lost or forgotten it. Knowing giving the enemy a hand would lead to regret, Dib summoned up the courage to intervene as a representation of his kindheartedness.
"I'm sorry, ma'am, but I think Zim left his bus pass here on the bus the other day, it may still be there." Dib squeaked from behind Zim, drawing all attention directed once at Zim, to himself. The driver woman was overweight and didn't look like she could be honestly bothered to move, in defeat she said:
"Whatever, fine." Waving her hand, denoting for the boys to clear off and board the bus already. Dib sat down in an unoccupied seat, and plonked directly next to him was Zim.
"How does a human show affection?" Zim questioned in curiosity, pondering on how to thank Dib for his most recent accomplishment of Saving Zims life. Dib was taken aback by this sudden act of appreciation apparent in Zim's gleeful tone.
"Well, people smile together, then they may hold hands, I don't know- get ice cream. Or maybe even kiss if it's serious." Dib looked deep in thought now, as If educating an alien on the affectionate actions of a human was a fate determining job.
"Well this is serious, so about the last one...?" Zim said. All of a sudden, Dibs face became a Taffy pink in mortified blushing.
"UHhHHh no.... that's reserved for p-people who really like each other, heh." He chuckled awkwardly. Zim wondered what about the mention of the a act of kissing could make Dib recoil emotionally in embarrassment. But he decided to avoid that in future conversation. Zim gleamed at Dib with genuine happiness and held Dibs two hands in his.
"If we cant do the other thing then we shall do this!" Zim announced. Dib felt like he shouldn't be doing this, but he found his hands didn't want to leave their newfound favourite place: to be in Zims own hands.

At school, Dibs mind was on lockdown, complete panic mode. Why did Zim want to know about affection so much? Was it truly, simply for the alien to thank him? Or was it- something else? Why does he care? Why did He even tell him about kissing and holding hands like that? Why did he do that? Why is he obsessed with Zim? Yeah he's an alien-but.....
Dibs attention naturally reverted back to Zim across the room from him. And why does he always look at Zim every lesson? Zim eventually noticed Dibs staring and shot an affectionate smile at Dib. Then, out of nowhere, it hit him like a brick, one single, heavy, hard hitting, 5 pound brick, straight through his pathetic little heart.

He was in love with Zim.

After all these years of obsessing over him, day after day, monitoring him, staring in complete awe of the audacity of his alien machinery. The next thing he knew, he had died in a foolish heap of a blushing mess and realisation. His face hidden well between the desk and his arms. He was gay for Zim and he hated it.

Refracted Perspectives (a ZaDr fanfic) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now