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TW: Strong language, arguments, hospitals and discussion of death.

I knocked on the door. I didn't know what was awaiting me on the other side, all I knew was that was where Aubrey's house was located. And, after a few minutes of waiting, the door swung open. There was a woman, staring at me in a mix of confusion and disbelief, her brown eyes wide. Her hair was dyed a light purple, and it curled around her face because it was cut to only reach to her shoulders. She had a red bandanna tied into a bow, and she wore a baggy hoodie and sweatpants. But, what stood out to me the most was the way she had her hand on the small bump on her stomach, and there was a gold band wrapped around her finger.

"Su... Sunny?"

"Aubrey. How are you?"

"Well, I'm doing well," she said, in what was almost embarrassment. I nodded along, clearing my throat. "I haven't seen you since... yeah."


"What do you mean, you..."

"I... I told you. I killed Marianne White."

"...Fuck you. I'm leaving."

"So... what have you been up to?" I asked her, attempting to pretend to be calmer than I was in actuality. "What do you do for work now?"

"I'm a therapist now, yeah. I work with kids and teens... I'm married, been so for a few years."

I looked past her to see into her house. It must have been rude of me, but I didn't care. I just noticed the various objects such as a half-put together crib, and some unopened presents. "You have a kid?"

"Not yet. Second trimester now."

"Who's the dad?"

She rolled her eyes, smirking a little. "You'd never believe me if I said."

"Babe? Is someone at the door?" As if on cue, someone began to walk over. He towered over me, and he had a small, stubbly beard and a basketball jersey. His brown hair was tied into a low ponytail, his skin was tanned, and his brown eyes widened in happiness and surprise as he saw me. "SUNNY!!"


He wrapped his arms around me in the tightest bear hug I have ever received, laughing jollily. "I missed you, dude! It's been years since I last saw you!! How's everything going with the band? You got a girlfriend, boyfriend, or other partner yet? Man, we need to catch up! Oh, I'm gonna be a dad now! Call her Mrs Connor!" I chuckled at his enthusiasm.

"Geez, it's been so long... how did this-" I gestured widely at them. "-happen?"

"To this day I have no clue," Aubrey joked, making Kel ruffle her hair lovingly.

"Hey! I, for one, am offended. Well, d'you wanna come in? I was just about to boil the kettle for some coffee."

"Like you need any more coffee today."

"I might as well. The concert's not until later anyway," I thanked, making my way indoors.

After a few minutes, we were in a steady conversation, laughing and chattering about all the times that we hadn't seen each other, and all the times that we had. While I was gone, Kel and Aubrey kissed at a high school party, kick-starting their relationship. After school, Kel became a professional basketball player, and Aubrey became a therapist. Aubrey proposed one night, Kel said yes, and then it went further from there. They were so happy, holding hands under the table like they were still kids in high school. They were so happy... happier without me. I looked to the clock. 11:45 am. "Shoot, I've really gotta go."

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