Chapter 18

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"Con!  Hey, cmon, everybody's been waiting!"  Thomas snapped his fingers at me.

"Hold on.  It's May."  I mouthed.  "Gosh why can't I reach her."

"Don't curse anybody, but I think she's been waiting for you for days."  He walked away.

Wait what.  Did I make her waiting that long?  Okay I admit it.  For the past days, I've been blaming all people for taking May away from me.  I hate Massimo for being such a party ruiner.  I hate how May left me without telling anything or even waiting for me to end the show.  I hate it for the sake of Union J, they took my girlfriend.  I surely deserved explanation.  I know she kept calling and texting me, but maybe I didn't realize I have hurt her too.

"Thomas!  Thomas, wait!  What do you mean by that?"  I ran after him.

"I'm not sure what to tell you bro.  Really sorry.  Or maybe try to ask Juliet and the guys.  They might know more than I do."  Thomas smiled at me.

"I have screwed up, have I..."  I sighed.

"Not yet.  But you would, only if you kept doing this.  Look.  I know you don't play anything right now.  I've known you for years.  However, girls might have different point of view.  Learn from me.  I thought by giving ourselves distance and privacy, it would help.  But basically what we need is an understanding talk.  Go get her back.  I know there's something serious deep within it."  Thomas pointed to my chest.

"I...  Oh gosh..."

"See?  Juliet's there.  Talk to her first."  He put his hands on my back, and this time seriously walked away.

I embraced all my power to finally get to Juliet.  She looked piss.  But yeah that's make sense.  I have been pulling off myself to hibernate from people.  I only talked to the guys for some very serious problems, then did the shows, then fell asleep.  Damn.  I have ruined it.

"Uhm...  Hey Julie, it's me Connor.  Can we talk?"  I cleared my throat.

"Hey Connor, yeah I certainly know you."  Juliet glared at me.

"I know I know.  I was all wrong.  I was confused...  I hate everything and everybody for taking May off-charged that easy."  I started to rant.

"But have you ever really considered, that it causes the same exact pain to her too?  I just don't understand.  She keeps checking on you but you keep walk away."  She got really emotional.

"That's my fault..."  I buried my head.  "But Jules, does she can forgive me?  I want her back."

"Of course.  You just don't see it clear enough, Connor.  You're her first.  First boyfriend.  First kiss.  First person to hang onto after all these years she lost the father figure.  She got it in you.  Oh no, correction.  She thought she got it in you."

"What should I do know...  I want to blame myself real hard, I swear..."  I kneeled.

"She has been giving so many excuses to call you, or not to call you.  She's worried.  Til today, til finally she tried to call you."

"She did call me...  But how do you know?"  I looked at her.

"Mandana told me.  Glad Mandana's there though.  At least."  Juliet picked up her documents, ready to leave me.

"Juliet!  Please, please...  You know her.  Do you think I have a chance?"  I sighed.

"Listen to this carefully.  Look for her.  Don't ever have any second thoughts.  Because she never has.  Even when you had."

Juliet stared at me then walked away.  People have left me multiple times today.  And it's been a slap in my cheek, knowing they had never done this before.  So the people were upset at me for her.  So I was already that wrong.  So I have to get her back.

I took my phone and tried to reach her.  This time for real.  I wanted to Skype her. 

"Hey."  Her low voice welcomed me to the video chat.

" you doing?"  I sit in the green room and locked everybody out. 

"I'm pretty good."  She forced a smile.

"How's your work?  How's office, Mandana, and everything?"  I kept trying to build a nice conversation.

"Union J killed the first show.  And everybody's good.  Mandana is doing well."  She sniffed.  I know her so well, unexpectedly.

"Are you crying...  Baby please.  You know why I call you.  I really want to make this work again.  Please, give me one more shot.  I'll make it right for us and never step back anymore..."  My voice started to crack.

"Connor, they call me.  I should go.  Bye bye."  Once again, she fake a smile and wave.

"Please stop.  Just don't hurt yourself even longer.  I'm here now.  I know you want this.  I want this.  I want to fix this and willing to give everything for this to work."  I meant my words.

"No...  You don't have to give up everything.  It's too much.  It was only a single day of story.  We made a good story anyway."  Her smile was just so bitter.

"Babe I beg you...  I don't know how much I deserve, but I still love you..."  I bowed my head.

"I love you too Connor.  Still so much."  May lifted up her chin.

"Me too.  I love you most."  I nodded.

"But 3 days ago, you left after saying the same exact thing.  I'm just scared."  She stared at me.  Her eyes were so lost in tears.

"I promise you there will be no next time, nor excuses.  We're adults.  I can make it up to you.  I was confused and scared too, that what we have is only some one night memory.  I thought we moved too fast.  But now I realize, I can't even eat properly without you..."

"Just stop..."  May shook her head.

"No baby.  You stop.  We have a great relationship, and I'm not even playing with that.  I know you know you aren't my first.  But I'm making you the last."  I cleared my throat.  "Will you...forgive me?"

"Will you seriously never leave?  Because I can stand another million years, doing this a thousand times more, yet would never change my decision.  But after all, the spotlight is on you."  She finally stopped crying.

"Promise.  You can slap me if I ever did this again."  I smiled.

"Too sassy."  May chuckled.

"Jesus, finally.  That smile.  I miss you."  I giggled at the camera.

"Stop.  Don't."  She smirked.  "I miss you too.  How's Cleveland?"

"It was great baby.  We're leaving to Mass tomorrow."  I nodded.

"Oh right.  Hey it's post show.  You should go back and get some rest.  Talk to you later?"  She blew a kiss.

"Glad to find that caring words again."  I danced along.  "There you go a virtual kiss.  Good night baby girl."

"Good night big guy."  She winked.

Yeah.  It better be this way.  I found myself back.  Thank you May for believing me.  I just can't stop adoring how genuine her heart is.  Knowing somebody will always wait for you to come home, even if we share different places, is still good.

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