Ron Anderson Where Have You Been

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Me and Carl were over the walls again reading comics. I know what you're thinking, isn't Ron gonna be jealous. Well no this is because Ron knows there is nothing between Carl and I. Plus Ron knows Carl can protect me out here. Today is different though. I haven't seen Ron all day, me and Carl have been out here since sunrise.

"We should head back" Carl says putting the comics away. "Yeah you're right, Ron's gonna be mad though" I say gathering our things. "So what, you're just living your life" Carl says as we head back to Alexandria. We climbed back over the wall and I went straight to find Ron.

"Y/N" I hear him say in the short distance. "Hey" I say getting closer to him. Ron runs over to me. "Where have you been? I haven't seen you all day." Ron panicked.

"I was just over the wall with Carl" I explained to him. "Thank god you are okay you had me scared to death"

Carl Grimes and Ron Anderson imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now