Pregnant Ron

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(In this one pretended he didn't die and that he lives longer)


Lately I have been getting sick in the morning

I know me and Ron had done 'it' but I would never thought this would happen

It was one time, but who knows maybe I'm not pregnant

Still I should talk to Daryl, he is like a father to me

I get up from my spot on my bed and walk down stairs to the living room

Daryl is there sitting on the couch doing something to his crossbow

I live with him, its pretty chill

I spend some nights with my boyfriend Ron 

"Daryl we need to talk" I say shaking 

Wow I guess I'm scared

"Whats up is something wrong" He asks full of concern

 I sit next to him on the couch

"Well um I have been feeling really sick in the morning. And me and Ron you know. So I kinda need to know" I say with a looking at the floor

I look up at him, he looks mixed of worried and anger

He opens his mouth to say something I cut him of "I know I fucked up and I did something stupid. I just need help because I don't know what to do or if I even am pregnant" I say and my eyes begin to water

"I will get you the test I'm going on a run today. And I know you messed up and you need to know for sure. But how could you be so stupid" He says with a little anger at the end

"We found alcohol and one thing lead to another and boom" I say telling the truth

"I get it a drunken mistake but you need to tell Ron. I'm leaving for my run and I suggest you go now" He said

"Lets go and thanks Dare it means a lot" I say as we walk out the door

"Take the test when I get back and then you will know. I would think this is very stressful" He says and we part ways. Me going to my boyfriends and him going to leave for a run

As I am walking it all come to me

What if I die? What if he leaves me? How will we raise it if it even is inside me?

My eyes water and soon the tears come

I start to run to Ron's house

I get there and knock on the door quickly

The door opens quickly reveling Ron. He notices the tears and pulls me into a hug

We enter the house and we go up to his room like usual. This time me in tears

We get into his room and we sit on his bed

"Whats wrong" He asks holding me hand looking at me

"Please don't leave me" I whisper

"That will never happen. How did this come up" He says

I look at him "Remember that one night we got drunk" He nods. "Lately in the morning I've been sick. I told Daryl and he is getting me a pregnancy test" I say and a tear slides down my cheek

"Wait so you might be pregnant" He asks and I nod

  "That's not bad. And if you are then so be it. If not then your not. I will stand by you until the end. And always remember I love you" He says

"I love you too" I say

"So why were you worried." He says

"What if I die" I say looking him in the eyes

"That will not happen I won't let it" He says

He gives me a peck on the lips. He grabs a comic and I sit in between his legs as we read it

He knows reading comics calms me down

We are coming to the end f the comic when Jessie walks into the room

"Y/N Daryl told me everything and he is here.Just know I am supportive if you are preg" She says

Me and Ron get out of bed and walk downstairs

Daryl is in the kitchen with four pregnancy test on the counter

"Thanks you" I say to Daryl and give him a hug

We pull apart and he hands me the tests

 I take a deep breath as I walk into the bathroom

I do the all four of the tests

I set them on the sink with me sitting on the toilet not using it

There is a knock at the door

"Come in" I say

Ron walks into the room and sits in front of me

"Do you know yet" He asks

"I haven't looked yet can we look together" I asks

"Of course" He smiles 

We both stand up

We look at the same time

We see all four of the test have + signs

"Oh my god I'm going to be a dad" Ron exclaims

"I'm gong to be a mom" I exclaim after him

We hug each other we stay hug for a bit just sucking if the news

I take the test in my hands a we walk out of the room

We get downstairs. Jessie and Daryl are talking about something

"So whats the news" Jessie asks

"I'm gonna be a dad" Ron says excitedly

I show them the tests and Ron hugs me from behind

  He cuddles his face in my neck

"Your guys are going to be good parents" Daryl says

 That night  spent the nights at Ron's house

We were cuddling in bed 

Ron sits up and kisses my stomach gently 

"Your going to be a great Dad. I just know it" I say smiling at him

He was now lying down with his are around my waist with his head on my stomach

He looks up at me "Your going to a awesome mom. Our kid is going to have so much love" He says

"If I die promise me you will love them with all the love you have for me" I say quietly

"I don't like to think about you dying but if it does happen, no matter how broken I am I won't become my father" He says

"I love you Ron" 

"I love you too Y/N"

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