Draw me next Carl

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     I woke up in my cell at the prison today I was on guard with Carl in the tower. I have been in his group since the beginning and we have been close friends since. I get dressed and leave my cell to see my dad but you may know him as Daryl.

"Hey dad"

"Hey Sweetie"

We hug.

"Y/N I'm going on a run today to behave."

"I always do and why do you go on runs all the time"

"We need supplies"

I leave going to get my breakfast. I sit at a table and Carl comes up to my and eats his breakfast and we hang out. 

"Carl our shift starts in 10 minutes."

"Okay do you need to do anything before it?"

"I have to grab my sketchbook and a pencil then I'm good. What about to?"

"I'm good can I go with you to get your stuff."

"Yeah sure."

We leave the table and walk to my cell. I grab my sketchbook and a pencil. I really like art and it is my hobbie. Carl and I leave the prison and head to the tower. We get to the tower for our shift and I start drawing.

"What are you drawing Y/N" He smiles at me making my heart melt. You see I like Carl in a more then friends way.


"What is it"

"The prison"

"Can you draw my next"

"Really you would want that even though my art is bad"

"Fisrt of all I love you art on second I would want that"


Some times goes by and I finish the drawing I was working on before.

"Carl pose"


"For the drawing"

He poses trying to look cool. I drawing and we talk about life before. I show him the drawing of him and he looks amazed.

"How did you draw that"

"My mom teached me before and I have always loved art"

He moves closer to me.

"Like how I have loved you since I met you."


"Y/N I love you and its in a way were I want to be more then friends"

"Carl I love you too"

"I know its the end of there world and there isn't much time for love. But I want you so much so will you be my girlfriend."

I hug him "Yes"

He leans in a kisses me with him plump lips. Our lips move in sync and it is the best day since all of this happened.

Carl Grimes and Ron Anderson imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now