Wisdom teeth

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Today i was supposed to be getting my wisdom teeth took out but honestly id have to be drug there.

Herb sighed " come on mane, you need to get them taken out or you gon get infections or some shit" he said

I rolled my eyes " hell no. I don't like needles and I'm not going" i said

Herb crossed his arms " I will drag you if i have to" he said

I shook my head standing up " don't touch me bruh" i said as herb smirked

I put my hands up defensively before taking off up the stairs with him following after me.

He cornerd me so I had to eventually give up " alright alright, you gon be there?" I asked

Herb nodded " i can't technically drive for another six months, but yeah I'll be there" he said

I looked at him confused " wells who finna drive us back" I asked, i could drive myself there but i deffently wouldn't be lucid enough to drive back

Herb sighed giving me a apologetic look but I could tell he was amused by the situation. I shook my head going to take off running again but he tackled me making me groan. Before i knew it he was dragging me down the stairs and out the door towards the all to familar black sedan.

I rolled my eyes getting in the back " my life sucks even more now" i muttered

Von laughed glancing in the reirveiw mirror " don't act like you didn't miss me" he said

Herb laughed looking out the mirror to hide the amused look on his face " just drive" he said

I zoned out and before I knew it we were at the dentist, i got out of the car trying my best to walk slow.

Von rolled his eyes " calm down, They give you major drugs for this. Me and you can switch places anyday" he said

I glared at him before opening the door " ha ha" i said sarcastically

They went to sit in the waiting room and I signed in getting sent back, i walked into the room saying hi to the dentist before sitting down in the chair. That's all i remember before everything went black.



As soon as they took durk back I could see herbs mood changed, he was worried but i guess that was the kinda friendship I hoped for.

Herb started fidgiting with his hands " you think hes gonna be alright?" He asked

I laughed setting my phone down " I ain't never had my wisdom teeth out yet but durk strong. He gon be just fine" i said

For what felt like hours we sat there waiting. I was realived when the door opened and the nurse walked our coming over to us.

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