Turnabout Tinnitus pt. 1

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Mr Wright's hat
- A bright blue hand-crocheted beanie used to blindfold Wright

- Police issue cuffs (?) used to restrain Wright near the back of the freight car

Murder weapon (?)
- Most likely low calibre pistol, poss. purchased via black market (unconfirmed)

Notes on victim's death
- Cause of death: single gunshot wound (to the ????). Time of death was roughly 8:45am

Cargo crate
- A sturdy wooden box the defendant hid inside prior to discovery. Roughly 3.5ft tall, covered with a tarp. Contents unknown

- Standard issue tarpaulin for protecting cargo. Used to cover the victim's body. Formerly buckled to the floor.

Layton's lantern
- A small handheld police lantern belonging to Professor Layton. Beam reaches ~3m

It was funny how Phoenix's handwriting got neater and more coherent the smaller he was forced to write. He scratched his head under his hat with the tip of his pencil as he reread his short list of evidence.

Was there anything else he needed to add? He hadn't been left a lot of time to investigate the crime scene, what with having to convince the driver to allow this impromptu trial to happen, so if there was anything else he had to enter in his facsimile of a Court Record, would it have to wait until it was brought up in "court"?

What else... what else...

Good thing he was doing this in pencil. This journal would end up a mess if he was constantly crossing things out to update the information and couldn't just erase it.

Hmm, maybe it would be a good idea to list the key figures as well. He knew from experience how important it could be to know just who it was that had gotten themselves involved in a case. Who could say when this information would become vital?

Phoenix Wright (age: 28)

- Acting defence attorney. I sure hope nobody back home finds out I'm doing this or else who knows how much trouble I'll be in

Trucy Wright (age: 10)
- My daughter, acting co-counsel and ray of sunshine. Thank god she didn't look down while she was in the freight car

______ _____ (age: ~11-13)
- A stowaway on the train's freight car and defendant in this case. Appears to not speak English (?)

Hershel Layton (age: 39)
- Acting investigator and witness who discovered the scene. Old friend (?). Part of me wishes he wasn't here.

Luke Triton (age: 15)
- Old friend (?). Witness who discovered the scene. Supposedly visiting from America after a ~2-year absence

Officer _____ _________ (age: ??)
- The victim in this case. A security officer on board the train. May have been involved in my abduction

Officer ______ Fenchurch (age: ??)
- Security officer who came upon the scene. Discovered and arrested the defendant upon sight

Hmm, there were still quite a few blanks to fill in, but this would be enough for now.

"Hey, Dad?"

Phoenix paused in his writing to look up at his co-counsel as she closed the compartment door behind her.

"What's up, Trucy-Goosy?" he asked.

Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright: The Frigid MelodyWhere stories live. Discover now