Turnabout Tinnitus pt. 2

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"Ugh," Phoenix sighed as he rubbed his heavy eyes, "I really wish I wasn't doing this."

"But Daddy, we're doing great!" Trucy clenched her fists in determination. "We're like 70% towards getting that girl off the hook! We can totally win this thing!"

"I'm annoyed at the fact that I'm standing in any kind of court in the first place!" Phoenix wiped the dust from his eyes on his jeans. "I don't even want to know what kind of trouble I'll get in if anybody back home finds out I'm practising law without a license!"

"You don't need to practise, Dad!" Trucy bounced on her heels as if to emphasise her point, fists still clenched as though ready to fight. "You're already a total expert! I know, practise makes perfect, but you're already perfect!"

Phoenix watched the strength glinting in her big blue eyes. Were he a stronger man, the mere sight of her would have given him the willpower to take on the world. He couldn't help but smile at the display.

"I don't know what I did to deserve you," he said with a smile, his eyes falling upon the scenery whizzing past, "but I'm glad I did it."

Trucy giggled and lowered her hands.

"I love you too, Daddy!" she replied.

She jumped onto the seat next to him as a knock sounded on the compartment door, which slid open to welcome the younger of their new gentleman companions.

"Uh..." He nervously glanced around at the half-empty seating arrangement. "...Mr Wright?"

"What is it, Luke?" Phoenix cuddled his daughter closer in case they needed to make room.

"I..." Luke shuffled into the compartment with his coat toggles between his fingers. "...I'm really sorry I struggled to keep my composure while I was testifying."

Phoenix responded with the most dismissive wave he could manage.

"Don't apologise," he said. "I understand if you're afraid of blood-"

"I'm not afraid!" cried Luke. "There's nothing scary about blood! It was just..."

He sat down on the far side of the compartment from the father-daughter duo.

"...seeing so much of it at once," he said weakly. "It's not supposed to be outside your body, is it? And the smell ..."

He stifled a gag.

"It's okay!" Trucy piped up. "Daddy's the same with heights!"

"Trucy -" Phoenix tried.

"This one time we went on a rollercoaster together and we were just coming over the first hill-"

"Trucy, please-"

"-when Dad freaked out and puked all over the person in front of us' head!"

"Please stop..."

"They were super mad at him when we finally came to the end and stopped!"

"...objection..." Phoenix did his best to hide his reddened face behind a hand.

When he glanced between his fingers, he saw Luke's eyes flickering between them as the poor boy tried to figure out what he was supposed to be thinking.

He cleared his throat pretty much as awkwardly as he could.

"Wow, um..." he said. "...Mr Wright, is that true?"

"You bet it is!" Trucy cried joyfully.

"I really wish it wasn't," said Phoenix, "but the evidence was irrefutable. Not to mention smelly."

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