The Call of the Minstrel

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"What're we going to do?"

"The Silver Violin! The Minstrel! He has to play for the horde or else-"

"But we don't know where the Silver Violin is!" Jack pointed out, shouting to be heard over the terrified chattering.

"You! Wright!" Mr Teeve jumped out of the gallery and pointed right at Phoenix's face. "Where the bloody hell did that violin go?!"

"Well-" Phoenix started.

"Everybody, please try to calm down!" Michaela called. "The last thing we should do right now is panic!"

"Order!" The judge followed along by slamming his toffee hammer. "Order! Order in the court!"

"I hate to say it, Michaela!" Jack shouted. "But if we don't panic now, then when SHOULD we?!"

"I don't want to die!" cried one of the villagers.

"I'm not ready!" added another.

"I'm not ready to join my husband just yet!" yelled the shrill voice of Nosie Oldfart.

"Daddy, what do we do?" Trucy tugged desperately on her father's sleeve. "Who's going to play the violin?!"

"You! Minstrel!" Mrs Teeve made herself visible in the crowd and jabbed a finger at Edgeworth's face. "Find that violin and get up that mountain this instant!"

"Don't speak to me like I'm a child!" Edgeworth retorted furiously.

"Order! Order!" The judge kept slamming his gavel, unnoticed by the frenzied remains of his court. "Order in the court! I WILL have ORDER!"

"At this point, I don't know if that would work!" Michaela shouted in Posy Teeve's direction. "The Pictish Shrine's been silent for two nights by now! For all we know, when the horde come to attack, they could kill the Minstrel too!"

"Do you wholeheartedly believe they'll attack?" Layton's gentle voice was barely audible over the hubbub. "They won't simply wander aimlessly around the streets like they usually do?"

"You claim to have been on the run, Professor!" Michaela replied. "Surely you saw them last night! One of them tried to break through my window!"

"They were hammering on my door all bloody night!" added the muscular librarian.

"By tonight, they'll be angry enough to break in!" cried Nosie, wringing a handkerchief around in her hands. "I can't do this! I don't want to die!"

"I don't want to die either!" screamed a woman beside her. "I'm not ready!"

"My daughter's down in Stirling!" shouted a man nearby. "She's never going to know what happened to me!"

"Everybody please quieten down!" Michaela cupped her hands around her mouth as she yelled at the top of her lungs. "I'm sure we can think of something! Anything!"

"What CAN we do?!" screamed Jack.

"How many times?!" bellowed the judge. "ORDER!"

"Daddy, say something!" cried Trucy.

Phoenix's mind scrambled for something to say or do. He snatched up his journal and flipped through every page full of writing that he'd scribbled down ever since he'd stepped off that goddamn bus. It was useless, he knew, but surely there was a chance that his eye would brush over something, anything that could tell him what they should do-

"I-I might have an idea," he lied, "but I don't know if it'd be any good-"

"Whatever it is, just say it!" snapped Luke.

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