The Colour Out of Snow pt. 2

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The judge's so-called gavel slamming on his lectern rang through Phoenix's head like an explosion, and was equally as effective at silencing the gallery.

"Court is now in session for the trial of Mr Hershel Layton," he declared.

Michaela stood behind her bench with that same soft smile she had worn almost exclusively the previous day.

"The prosecution is fully prepared and waiting, Uncle Angus," she said happily.

A prickle crept up the back of Phoenix's neck. A sensation he'd found was usually reserved for when somebody was watching him with as much intensity as they could muster.

He cast a glance at the gallery.

It only took him a moment to notice Angela's honey-blonde hair amidst the dark hats and scarves worn by the rest of the villagers. Yes, it was her steely gaze that was focused on him, and she didn't seem to care that she'd been noticed, simply offering him another friendly smile.

He swallowed hard and forced his eyes away from the watchers eyeing him with noticeable suspicion.

"Defence is as ready as it can be, Your Honour," he told the judge.

Said judge frowned past him at the rest of the villager's population.

"I hereby request that during the process of this trial," he said, "there be no attempted interference from the gallery. I understand that the victim in this case was a friend to all of us, but to intervene in a court of law shall be viewed as an act of contempt of court and result in immediate arrest."

In spite of his obvious anger, Phoenix got a sudden sense of pain as the old man turned to look down at him. He couldn't be surprised. From what the ex-lawyer could tell, this was the judge's friend they were going to be talking about here.

"Mr Wright," he said, "I understand that you, your co-counsels and the defendant are on relatively friendly terms with one another?"

Phoenix didn't bother looking to his assistants for help with this one. He simply responded with a shrug.

"As far as I know," he replied.

"I do hope this isn't going to cause any conflicts of interest," said the judge. "If I notice your emotions overwhelming your logic, I will not hesitate to dismiss your defence. That applies to all three of you. Have I made myself clear?"

Phoenix swallowed, and hoped that nobody – not his co-counsels, not the prosecution and definitely not the prosecution's mother – noticed it.

"Crystal clear, Your Honour," he said firmly, and looked sideways at his pair of helpers. "Luke, did you get that?"

Unsurprisingly, Luke looked almost as uncomfortable as his defence leader. The poor kid had his eyes downcast and shoulders hunched as though he could start crying any moment.

"Yes sir," he said softly, fiddling with his coat's toggles again.

"Wow," Trucy said quietly, peering up at Luke in curiosity. "When did we get back to school?"

"Now then, Michaela dear," the judge continued without further ado, "would you be so kind as to provide the court with an opening statement?"

Michaela replied with a solemn nod.

"Absolutely," she said, her smile faltering for the briefest of moments. "Ladies, gentlemen and those who are yet to make up your mind, Fatargan has borne witness to a crime far more heinous and horrific than any that we have witnessed within our village's history, for in the evening hours of yesterday, as the Minstrel regaled us with his wondrous performance, one of our own was cruelly and savagely robbed of his life."

Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright: The Frigid MelodyWhere stories live. Discover now