Chapter 2

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Childes pov

I sat down beside Zhongli as everyone started to drink I went on my phone since I didn't wanna drink Jean started to talk to me 

After a while everyone started to go home Zhongli was drunk I sighed and got up "Come on Zhongli let's get you home" He looked up at me grabbing my hand I helped him up Jean looked at me weirdly "You know where he lives?" I nodded "A little someone told me to bring him home" She just smiled I put his arm around my shoulder as I started to walked out with him I sighed I had 3 drinks because Zhongli kept giving me more but I was still sober enough to take him home once we got outside he almost fell I tried not to laugh as I got him onto my back he put his face in my shoulder I was freezing but it was warmer now that I was carrying him 

I knocked on his door Xiao answered opening it wider for me I walked in taking off my shoes Xiao showed me the way to Zhonglis room I just followed him I sat down on his bed making Zhongli sit there I got up I laid him down "Xiao can you get me clothes for him I'll just change him quickly" He groaned nodded "Sure" Zhongli grabbed my hand I looked at him he then hugged my arm I looked at him very lonely he fell asleep I moved his hair a bit with my free hand "Xiao?" I looked at him he was just standing there holding Zhonglis clothes he didn't say anything he handed me the clothes his stomach grumbled I covered my mouth "Are you hungry?" He was embarrassed "S-shut up and leave already" I smiled "I'll order you food unless you want me to cook you something" I slowly stood up and took off Zhonglis shoes "Y-you can cook?" I nodded as I started to Change Zhongli "Do you guys know how to cook?" He sighed "Yeah Zhongli cooks but not a lot I haven't eaten today since he went out" I finished changing Zhongli I got up and walked over to Xiao I ruffled his hair he hit me I smiled "Come on you can help me I'll teach you" He nodded and we went downstairs

We cooked the food then ate as we watched a movie once it was over I got up "I'm going home do you want my number?" He looked at me confused "Why would I want that?" I shrugged "I don't know maybe for something to do with Zhongli or you need a place to go for a bit" He got up not saying anything he gave me his phone I smiled putting in my number "Call me if you need anything" He nodded "Sure.." I walked out walking down the street a random guy came over to me I looked at him but it was kinda hard to see since it was dark he started to talk to me when I couple other guys came over I got a weird feeling one put his hand on my shoulder I slowly backed away "I'm sorry please don't touch me" I heard someone come running from behind when I saw it was Xiao I sighed in relief he ended up punching one of the guys making the rest run away he looked at me grabbing my arm "Idiot you're not supposed to talk to strangers didn't your parents teach you that jeez come on it's late just stay over" 

Once we got back to their house I sighed sitting on the couch Xiao hit my head I groaned "Ouch what was that for?" I looked at him "You're an idiot" He sighed Zhongli came down I looked at him "I'll get you water sit down" I got up walking into the kitchen Xiao sat down as well I came over holding a glass of water I handed it to Zhongli he took it leaning back I yawned "You're sleeping on the couch" I looked at Xiao nodding "Okay I don't mind" He was glaring at me Zhongli flicked Xiaos forehead I laughed a bit Xiao started to chase me around I soon just sat down "You demon!" Zhongli laughed Xiao walked upstairs I sat there talking to Zhongli for a bit

In the morning I sat up Zhongli was laying under me I looked at him then got up so fast he groaned since I kinda squished him Xiao came down looking at us "What did you do?" He glared at me "I did nothing" Xiao walked over to me I patted his head he hit me I laughed a bit "He didn't do anything we were just talking then fell asleep" Zhongli stood up "I'll drive you home Childe" I looked at him "Oh okay sure" He walked upstairs Xiao was dressed already I yawned "Are you gay?" He looked up at me I covered my face "What?! No I'm not" He moved my hands "You slept with Zhongli" I shrugged "Soo you have sleepovers what's the difference?" He rolled his eyes "Do you like somebody?" He looked away blushing a bit "Y-yes I do he's in your class" I laughed a bit "He? What's his name?" He covered his face "V-venti" I smiled a bit "Oh Venti he seems very smart are you friends with him?" I sat down moving Xiaos hands "Can we talk about this another time?" I nodded "Of course" 

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