Chapter 10

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Xiaos pov

I laid in bed with my eyes closed I heard the door open "If I hear anymore of the bs about me not loving you anymore I'm gonna leave you" I looked over to see Venti he seemed mad I sat up "If you did you wouldn't say that you'd leave me" He just stood there he looked down at the floor I went to go get up he started to just crying "I-I hate you.. I hate you so much" He just walked out I followed him but Childe stopped me all he did was shake his head I leaned on him a bit hitting on him gently he hugged me 

After that Venti started to avoid me one of my old friends would come annoy me back saying he was gonna take Venti I would just ignore him every time but one time it really got to me and I punched him in the middle of the hall people watched as he got up 

Zhongli ran over stopping the fight Jean was with him she helped up the other kid while Zhongli pulled me away "Childes classroom now!" He yelled I've never heard him yell like this it actually scared me I walked away hanging my head down low I walked to Childes classroom and as soon as I walked in I broke down just sobbing Childe hugged me tightly "H-hey what's wrong? What happened?" My face hurt as well as my body most hands I was beat up "I.. I don't wanna be around anymore" 

Childes pov

I held him close as I slowly sat down with him on the floor he sat between my legs I kept him very close as Zhongli came in he was pissed I hugged Xiao tighter "Get up now! Explain everything" I glared at Zhongli "Calm down and stop yelling he doesn't need to be yelled at like that" Zhongli sighed and rubbed his face "Well he's suspended.." I sighed and played with his hair he was crying a lot  "That's okay.. I feel like he needs a break from school and people for a little" Zhongli walked over to us and kissed my head "Xiao can you tell me what happened" He sat down beside me "H-he kept saying.. that he was gonna steal Venti everyday.. I got pissed off and punched him" I leaned against my desk holding him Jean walked in "Xiao.. Venti wants to talk to you" I looked at her "Why are you telling him?" She sighed "I just don't want him to hurt anyone else" Zhongli patted my head "It's okay.." Venti came in and stood there for a minute "Can you leave Jean? Nothing is gonna happen but say something did I have Childe and Zhongli here" Venti smiled a bit at her she nodded and left "Xiao.." He sniffed and looked at Venti I slowly let go of him Venti walked over and sat down in front of Xiao a bit away from me Zhongli ruffled Xiaos hair Venti held out his arms "Venti.. I love you" Me and Venti both laughed a bit Xiao hugged him tightly "I love you too.. I'm sorry but I was very upset about what happened I really did love you.. I still do so much" I got up and grabbed my keys "Zhongli watch my class when they come in I'll take Xiao home" Venti kept hugging Xiao I waited by the door Zhongli walked out "Venti come with me" He waited in the hall Xiao got up and helped Venti up he kissed him Venti walked out going with Zhongli I left with Xiao 

When we got home I cleaned him up and cuddled with him a bit he seemed to be doing a bit better we already ate since I got food on the way home he fell asleep not long after I got up slowly and left a note by his bed on his side table 

~Have a nice day at home I hope you feel better if you need anything feel free to call me I'll bring cookies home when I get off work~

I drove back to the school sighing I didn't wanna leave him alone I spoiled him a lot but he wasn't a bad kid he was just lonely and needed someone Zhongli hated that I spoil him but I didn't care

I got back to school and got my class from Zhongli I went back to my classroom 

After that the school day ended Jean invited me and Zhongli out of drinks of course we said yes I walked out to the car seeing Venti waiting for us I unlocked it he got in the back Zhongli got in the passenger seat Jean told us to meet her later tonight at the place we were going to 

Later that night me and Zhongli left to go meet Jean we all sat down and they started to drink I went on my phone I put my head on Zhonglis shoulder he shrugged it off I looked at him "Rude.." I tried to hold his hand he hit mine away I sighed and got up "I need to use the washroom" I walked away going outside I went to go sit in the car I leaned my head back a bit I started the car and drove him leaving him with Jean 

I laid in bed staring at the wall the door opened "Childe.." It was Zhongli he walked over I looked at him he was holding a white box he smiled kinda sadly "Happy birthday.." I looked at him weirdly then I looked at my phone it was already around 1 am so it was my birthday I teared up "I'm sorry.. for leaving you" He put the box down and hugged me "It's okay.. I'm not mad at you" I leaned on him a bit "What have you been doing? Staring at the wall this whole time?" I hugged him gently "Xiao and Venti came in to talk and lay with me for a bit so no I haven't been staring at the wall this whole time" He kissed my head and sat with me "Are you not drunk..?" He laughed a bit "No.. I wanted to be sobbed so I could tell you happy birthday" Venti came running in jumping at me "H-hey!" He hugged me "I just checked the time Happy birthday dad!" I ruffled his hair "Thank you.. but dad?" He laughed "Yeah you two are like my dad but.. different I don't wanna date my brother" Xiao came in and walked over to us all Zhongli hugged him a bit Xiao hugged him back I smiled "Happy birthday Childe.." I pulled him down and kissed his head "Thank you all"

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