Chapter 5

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Childes pov

I was laying in the bed beside Zhongli when I got a text saying Teucer was here I sat up and yawned "Hey Childe..?" I got up putting on my shoes "Yeah what's up?" He laid there looking at me "Can I try something tonight?" I shrugged "Sure I guess" He covered his face and yawned "Your brother will need to sleep in Xiaos room though" I opened the door "Okay call Xiao over here"

I walked outside Teucer ran over to me I picked up him I took his bag from him he hugged me saying nothing I walked inside going up to my room some students would stop me in the halls asking if he was my kids but I told them he was just my brother once I got to the room I seen Xiao and Venti I looked at them I put Teucer down he hugged my leg "This is the kid?" Xiao asked Zhongli he nodded Venti walked over and smiled "You're so cute" Teucer smiled Xiao came over picking him up normally he'd freak out but he didn't I walked over to the bed sitting down Zhongli put his forehead on my back "Are you two dating?" I looked at Venti "No we aren't" He just nodded I looked at Xiao "Did you two make up?" He walked over to me holding Teucer "Yeah.. we made out as well" Venti walked over to Xiao hitting his head "No we did not don't lie" I laughed a bit "No more fighting" They nodded 

After a little while all of the teachers had a meeting nothing important happened Zhongli seemed out of it I was concerned when the meeting ended I took his hand and pulled him to our room Xiao and Venti were in their room with Teucer I sat Zhongli down "Are you okay?" He looked at me grabbing onto my arm "Childe.." He said quietly he got up and pulled me into the washroom starting the shower he walked out I stood there confused 

He came back in locking the washroom door I stared at him he walked over to me and kissed me I was shocked I pulled back and looked at him "H-hey what are you doing?" He wrapped his arms around my neck "Come on.. " He kissed my neck I closed my eyes letting him "W-why did you start the shower?" I looked at him "We are gonna take one" I nodded he took off his shirt I just did the same 

We got into the shower and ended up going all the way it hurt.. a lot Zhongli seemed like such a baby when I comforted him I laid on the bed in pain Zhongli was drying my hair "Are you okay?" I groaned "I hate you so much" There was a knock on the door Xiao came in a bit "Can we come in?" Zhongli just kept drying my hair "Of course" Teucer ran over to me I smiled it was pretty late now "I wanted to say goodnight.." Teucer kissed my cheek "What happened big brother are you hurt?" Zhongli ruffed Teucers hair "He fell in the shower" Xiao glared at me "Teucer don't end up like your brother he's disgusting" I sighed and hugged Teucer "Goodnight.." He looked at me hugging me "U..uh Zhongli can you and Xiao give us a minute alone?" He nodded getting up walking out with Xiao I slowly sat up and put Teucer on my lap "What's wrong big brother?" I shook my head I hugged him "Nothing.. I just need a hug" He hugged me tightly "I love you.. so don't be sad" He moved my hair back I smiled at him "I-I'm not sad" I kissed his forehead Zhongli came peeking in "You can come in now.." I looked down I closed my eyes I felt sad I didn't know why maybe I was disgusting.. Zhongli picked up Teucer I looked at him "Xiao put Teucer to bed" Zhongli walked over to Xiao he nodded I waved at Teucer "Goodnight big brother! Don't cry okay" I laughed a bit "I told you I'm not sad.. goodnight" Xiao took him away Zhongli locked the door walking over to me I sighed he sat down hugging me I put my face in his shoulder "I'm okay.." He just stayed quiet "Zhongli.. we need to sleep we have to watch our group tomorrow" He laid down beside me hugging my waist "Jeez you're a baby" I played with his hair "Shut up" I smiled laying down as well 

I woke up with him cuddled into me I hugged him yawning he groaned and sat up I looked at him "Are you feeling better?" He moved my hair "Yeah.. I am" He got up out of the bed there was a knock Zhongli opened the door it was Xiao he walked over with Teucer he put him down laying on the bed I looked at Xiao "Did you sleep?" He groaned rolling over "Kinda him and Venti were talking so much last night" I sat up and picked up Teucer "We said we were sorry Venti even kissed yo-" Xiao covered Teucers mouth "He kissed you?" Zhongli came over sitting beside me Xiao looked at us then covered Teucers ears "You fucked him" He was staring at Zhongli I sighed and looked away Venti came in walking over to us he laid down as well I smiled "Are you guys ready for today we are just gonna go to the beach" They nodded Zhongli put his head on my shoulder I looked at him Teucer tried to move his head "Don't touch my brother" I laughed Zhongli flicked Teucers forehead he started to pout "Okay okay go get ready Zhongli" He got up and went to go change in the washroom 

After me and Zhongli took our group to the beach we sat down talking to the other teachers Jean came over sitting with us Teucer ran over he was all wet I smiled "Big brother you should come into the water!" Zhongli stood up picking me up bridal style I wrapped my arms around his neck "W-wait what?!" He started to walk over to the water I started to freak out I buried my face into his shoulder "N-no I don't wanna go in" He held me close I was shaking "Are you scared of the water?" I nodded a bit "Y-yeah.. when I was younger I almost drowned and ever since then I haven't gone into the water besides having showers"  Teucer came over "Big brother are you okay?" I nodded a bit Zhongli started to walk back with me "Go have fun Teucer" He ran back over to Xiao and Venti in the water I hugged Zhongli "Childe are you okay?" I looked at Jean as Zhongli sat down with me on his lap "Yeah I'm okay.." I didn't move Zhongli hugged me "Are you to dating?" Jean was smirking at me "W-what no we aren't" I crossed my arms "Childe!" I looked at Xiao who was running over with a bucket he mouthed the word move I did as he said Zhongli looked up then got water dumped on him Xiao and I started to laugh as well as Jean he got up taking off his shirt he picked up Xiao and ran over to the water jumping in with him I laughed and watched I sat with Jean "Xiao seems happier" I nodded "He does" She put her head on my shoulder I smiled "I'm glad you could help" I nodded "Me too.. oh Jean why aren't you going in?" She looked up at me laughing a bit "I'm not a fan of swimming" I patted her head "That makes two of us" 

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