Chapter 3

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Childes pov

Months later since becoming a teacher was fine Xiao continued to do those dumb pranks he would also come over to my place complaining about Zhongli which I didn't mind since I did tell him he could 

A new class walked in it was Xiaos I sighed and sat down I yawned rubbing my face Xiao came over and looked at me "Can I go to the washroom?" I nodded "Sure go ahead but actually come back" He walked out 

A little while later he came back in I was getting mad at one of his friends for talking so much I slammed my hands down on my desk getting a sharp pain in my right one I groaned and looked at it I had a thumbtack in my hand I looked at Xiao as he walked threw the door "Xiao I said harmless" He stood there looking at me "That wasn't me" I rubbed my face "It wasn't you?" He shook his head I walked over to the phone Xiao groaned "I hate you just quit already" I sighed and talked to Zhongli 

He came in not long after I looked at him Jean also came with Zhongli he pulled me and Xiao out of class Jean stayed there I sighed he brought us to the teachers office he sat me down in my chair Xiao glared at me I sighed "I'm not mad at you Xiao" He didn't say anything he seemed mad I looked at Zhongli who was grabbing the first aid kit I looked at my hand it didn't hurt anymore Zhongli came over to me getting down on his knees Xiao kicked his back making him fall a bit his face ended up in my lap "Jeez you'd get on your knees for anyone" Zhongli sat up quickly "I'm sorry Childe" I looked at Xiao "It's okay don't worry about it" Zhongli grabbed my hand 

Later that night there was a knock on the door I opened it seeing Xiao he pushed past me taking off his shoes quickly running upstairs I just watched I sighed then closed the door I went back to cooking 

I took food up to my room Xiao was laying on my bed I put the food on my small table he was crying I sat on my bed and rubbed his back "What happened?" He sat up rubbing his face "I.. I was fighting with Zhongli t-then Venti texted me asking what was wrong with me in a mean way h-he heard about what happened today" I hugged him gently patting his head "Can you tell me about you and Venti..?" He sniffed and put his face in my shoulder I sighed knowing he needed to cry "Last year we used to be friends.. until he told me he had a crush on one of the teachers I-I really liked Venti so I didn't wanna hear about it anymore so I ended up blaming the teacher for something getting him fired Venti found out it was me.. and started to hate me ever since then I've been pranking teachers so they would quit.. I don't want anyone to have Venti" He cried into my shoulder I just kept hugging him "Sh.. it's okay I'll help you with him just stop with the pranks I'm not mad about today I was annoyed earlier about your friend" He looked at me I wiped his face "I made dinner" I handed him a plate he just sat there eating I did as well "Why were you and Zhongli fighting?" He sighed looking at the food "It was nothing.." I looked at him "Maybe I can help" He shook his head "I-it was was about my parents" I continued to eat I didn't wanna ask him about them Xiaos phone went off someone was calling him I got up holding out my hand "I'll answer it" He gave it to me I answered walking out of my room it was Zhongli he told me he wanted to talk to Xiao

I pulled into his driveway Xiao stayed at my place Zhongli said he needed somebody I parked the car and walked over to his door I knock he opened it leaning his head on my shoulder I sighed and hugged him a bit "I'm really trying.. why doesn't he understand that" I took off my shoes I looked at him then picked him up he freaked out a bit but just hugged me I walked upstairs "W-what are you doing?" I opened his door "Comforting you" I put him on the bed he was a lot lighter then before I sighed "Do you eat? You're so light" He looked at me "Of course I do.." I sat down beside him I leaning against his pillows he looked at me then climbed onto my lap "Please forgive me" I hugged him as I laughed a bit "It's okay" He leaned on me closing his eyes I played with his hair a bit "7 years ago.. Xiaos parents got into an accident he was 9 at the time I was only 22 I didn't know how parenting worked but I still adopted him.. his parents and I were close growing up so of course they wanted me to have him if anything happened Xiao has hated me since I told him I was his new dad.." Zhongli hugged me tightly "I'll help you with him.. you are both just lonely and need each other" I leaned my head down kissing his head I sighed "Shit.. sorry it's a bad habit" Zhongli looked up at me "Bad habit?" I nodded a bit "Yeah I normally comfort my little brother like this when he needs me" I took out my phone finding a picture of Teucer I showed Zhongli 

A little while later Zhongli had fallen asleep on me I covered him my phone rang I yawned and answered it "Xiao you can sleep there use my bed I can't really go home anyways" I laid down holding Zhongli close I felt comfortable even though we've only known each other for a couple months I talked with Xiao on the phone for a bit Zhongli rolled over grabbing it from me "Goodnight Xiao.." He fell back to sleep I smiled a bit I continued to talk with Xiao until he fell asleep

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