Chapter 7

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Childes pov

I woke up with something heavy on my chest I groaned and opened my eyes I seen Zhongli laying there I looked around seeing everyone else asleep I hugged Zhongli gently he yawned looking at me I shook my head "What are you doing here?" I whispered he kissed my chin I put my face in his shoulder he hugged me "I wanted to cuddled.." He whispered into my ear I shivered Teucer hugged my back I looked at him he was still asleep Xiao started to wake up he sat up he looked at me then Zhongli "Ew.." 

After that night we all just cuddled every night since Teucer wouldn't let us sleep in our room by the end of the trip Teucer had to go home Xiao didn't want him to I had to Venti had to take Teucer away from Xiao when my mom came to pick him up we said our goodbyes 

Once we all got home I sat on my couch I was finally alone I didn't have Zhongli at my hip my phone rang in my pocket I sighed and answered it "Hello?" It was Xiao he was talking about how Zhongli was tired and how he didn't wanna cook I sighed and told him I'd come over to cook

Once I knocked Xiao opened the door quickly I walked in seeing Zhongli laying on the couch I took off my shoes and walked over to him I grabbed his arm he looked at me "Childe.. cuddled me it's so cold" I groaned and pulled him off the couch "Get your ass up you are gonna help me cook" I walked into the kitchen Xiao was sitting on the counter "I'm sorry Childe but you let that man top you.. look at him" I looked at Zhongli who was laying on the floor I sighed "I regret it" I looked away as I started to get stuff out to see what I could make 

Xiao was helping me cook when Zhongli wrapped his arms around my waist I looked at him a bit he put his face in my shoulder I looked at Xiao he nodded I smacked Zhongli in the head he groaned and looked at me "Help us.. or you get nothing" He did as I said 

We sat on the couch eating dinner I played with Zhonglis hair a bit as we watched a movie he was acting like a big baby Xiao looked at me sighing "Zhongli sit up jeez.. not only are you annoying me but you're annoying Childe" I looked at Xiao then Zhongli he sat up and continued to eat saying nothing I finished eating I got up and went to go wash my plate I yawned being so tired we had a day off tomorrow I walked over to the door "I'm going home" They looked at me Zhongli looked away "Xiao next time I get Teucer I'll tell you" He smiled a bit I walked over to them ruffling his hair I leaned down and kissed Zhongli I walked away putting on my shoes I waved leaving 

I got home and went straight to bed I laid there sighing I closed my eyes and rolled around I sat up grabbing my phone I called Zhongli telling him that I was coming back over 

When I got there I walked in Xiao looked at me confused I took off my shoes and grabbed Zhongli off the couch I pulled him upstairs I sat him on his bed I climbed onto in lap and hugged him "Let's sleep.." He laid down holding me close I didn't say anything after that I closed my eyes the door opened I heard him and Xiao start talking I yawned and looked over at Xiao "Wanna come cuddle?" He looked at me blushing a bit "N-no Venti isn't here nor is Teucer so there is no need to" I held my arms up "Just come here there's no need to be embarrassed" He walked over plopping into my arms I hugged him 

I woke up to the smell of food I yawned and rubbed my face seeing Xiao asleep beside me I got up and went downstairs Zhongli was making breakfast I walked over to him and smiled "Morning Childe" I hugged him and yawned "Morning.." he ruffled my hair as he continued to cook 

Xiao came down looking at us "Ew" I looked at him "Didn't you cuddle with us last night?" he started to blush looking away I laughed "It's okay" I walked over to him patting his head 

After that day I stayed over there like I lived there me and Zhongli got a bit more active at night when Xiao was away it was embarrassing because Xiao always knew at school Xiao stayed in my class like all day when I had to watch Teucer Xiao took him out to the park or when he'd have dates with Venti he would take Teucer which made my mom very happy 

I was sitting at my desk during my break period Xiao was sitting in his desk "Are you and Zhongli dating?" I looked at him he was looking at his work "O-oh no we aren't" He looked up at me "You aren't?!" I shook my head "No we aren't'' He got up and walked over to me "But you guys do stuff.. ew" I hit his head gently "Shut up.. and just because we do anything doesn't mean we are dating" Xiao sat on my desk I looked at him sighing "Do you plan on asking hi-" I covered his mouth when I heard the door open it was Zhongli I smiled at him he walked over I uncovered Xiaos mouth Zhongli kissed me I smiled then looked at Xiao he covered his mouth "Gross" I rolled my eyes "Shut up you kiss Venti" He started to blush a lot "S-shut up" He covered his face Venti came in "Xiao!" He smiled and ran over to him I laughed "Venti don't you have class?" He rolled his eyes "Yeah.. but Xiao.." He gave me puppy dog eyes "Okay fine you can stay" Zhongli hugged me yawning "I told you that you should have slept instead of watching that movie" Venti looked at us "Are you to gonna get married soon?" Zhongli said nothing "We aren't dating" Venti let go of Xiao and laid on the floor "My life has been a lie" I rolled my eyes "Get up" He ignored me I leaned back in my chair a bit Jean walked in "V-Venti what's wrong?" He looked at her "I've been lied to" She seemed worried I sighed "Get up you're fine" Jean looked at me confused "These two have been fucking and acting like a couple but they aren't even dating" I covered my face "H-hey I didn't wanna know that!" She sounded embarrassed I was as well Zhongli laughed a bit "Calm down Jean" Zhongli walked over to Venti picking him up "Jean.." I looked at Xiao who was looking at Jean "Yes?" Jean smiled at him "Zhongli is top" Her face got really red I got up and hit Xiao in the head "Shut up I think Jean has heard more then enough" I sat back down and crossed my arms "Actually all of you get out Xiao hangout in Zhonglis classroom" I sighed 

Everyone did leave I sighed so annoyed I put my head down it hurt so bad I was so embarrassed but I was so mad 

After that I ignored them all I even started to stay home instead of sleeping over at their house it was lonely but I didn't mind 

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