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I was faced heavily with exhaustion. I hadn't faught since I had left and that was over 5 years ago now.

Henry looked terrified, as per usual. But I, I was more scared than he was. This fight was unfair and it had caused a racket. Evy slipped out of my arm hold only to send me flying above her head, landing my on my back.

From the shadows I saw a glint of light. We were being watched. I yelled to Evy to try and alert her of the threat but she remained persistent, holding me down and insisting I go back.

My anger grew with Henry's smile. Oh well, I thought, may as well just chat since we're gonna be here a while.

"So the old husband trick?" I said, cheek mooshed into the floor.
"It's still quite effective, we should use it more often," Evy replied.
"Hey, Evy, remember when we convinced the academy playboy that he was getting away with dating both of us?"
Evy grinned slightly, "it was so fun getting a valid excuse to annihilate someone."

Out of the shadow a knife came flying past Evy's head. Almost missing on purpose. Evy shot down, squishing me underneath. We both remembered this threat. This skill was only held by one member of the academy, one member who was the most terrifying of all when she wanted to be.

Henry was still baffled by our ability to laugh well having knives thrown at us.

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