four - determination

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Selena stood, petrified at the scene before her. Blake, Lively, but most surprisingly, Nathaniel stood with a bag hanging off his left shoulder while on his right, a beautiful woman tall and fair smiled sweetly. Her dark olive complexion was in contrast to the white turtle neck she had that encased her ample breasts and astonishing curves.

A part of Selena was relieved to think that Nathaniel did have a woman waiting for him to return. It made her believe that he was indeed planning to let her go and that she was finally going home to pack Highcliff. But a side of her wishes it was her that was standing beside Nathaniel, smiling and carefree.

That was a side that Selena hated the most. A side filled with mortal folly was not worthy of her time.

Nathaniel moved towards her. His closeness suddenly snapping her back to reality.

“Fancy seeing you here.” He coldly murmurs under his breath.

She grimaces. “Yes, fancy that.”

Selena turns to Winston who was already gone and instead, he was embracing Lively, his wife. She couldn’t believe that he had betrayed her for the second time in just a matter of minutes.

Nathaniel leaned down and kissed the baby’s forehead. Gently, he removed the child from Selena and held her in his arms.

“Happy birthday, Leticia. Uncle Nate is here.” He spoke.

The woman beside Nathaniel chirped happily with an excited tone.

“Can you believe it? She’s one year old now. It seemed like it was only yesterday when she came out of her mom.”

Uncle? Selena’s heart performed a somersault. Did that mean Winston and Nathaniel were siblings? Or maybe it was Lively and Nathaniel was brother and sister.

“Ah, yes. The first girl in after over a hundred years of boys. Of course, she deserves all the love that she gets. Isn’t that right, baby Letty?”

He embraced the child one last time before handing her over to her mother. That soft sounds of the baby filled Selena’s ear as she nervously stayed in place, pinned down by Nathaniel’s strong energy that he exuded.

“Are you new here?” The woman cocked her head to the side. “I’m Kayla Marie but weirdly enough, people call me Katie.”

Selena gulped, glancing at Nathaniel who wore only a stoic face.

“Winston was only helping me out. I’m leaving today.” She stated coldly.

“Oh, are you trying to get home?”

“Yes, to pack Highcliff.”

“Pack Highcliff? Oh, dear. Your pack was attacked yesterday. I can’t imagine what you feel right now, luckily my boyfriend was called and he helped your Alpha out.”

Selena smiled through the sudden jolt of pain that landed on her chest. Nathaniel was her boyfriend, that fact was already obvious, and hearing it confirmed drove a stake through her heart.

“I was informed yesterday. That’s why I need to go home as soon as possible.”

Katie grimaced. “Don’t worry. Come every Sunday, a truck filled with vegetables is passing through here. I know the driver and I can set you up with him. After all, pack Highcliff is only an eight-hour drive.”

Beneath the sugary sweet exterior Katie wore, Selena couldn’t find one fault. It seemed like the woman was nice and no doubt far more mature than Selena.

“Thanks. I appreciate the help.” Selena lowered her head, showing respect and gratitude.

Katie laughed. “Oh, no problem. You’ll be staying here in the packhouse or?”

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