twenty-three - meeting

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Days became weeks, and weeks became months, two months exactly. Two months was too much time for Nathaniel to feel as if there was still something missing inside of his chest.

Even after much time has passed, he still wasn’t able to pull himself out of the rut he dug himself. His wolf was still not able to communicate himself and Nathaniel doubted it would talk to him soon.

Unfortunately, as he functioned as an Alpha with an absent wolf, he was receiving pressure from a lot of wolves in his pack. The ones most vocal about his predicament were wolves from his council or to be more precise, his father’s. The wolves were part of Jacob’s old council, friends, and business partners. One such council chair belonged to his absent mother. Eliza had not made any public appearances since Jacob ran away from home and although Nathaniel was worried, he respected Jacob’s decision to cool off far away from them.

As everyone from Nathaniel’s council entered his office, he noticed Lively enter. She had no business entering the meeting but he couldn’t bear to say otherwise as Letty was grasping her mother’s collar.

He stands from his seat, glancing at each wolf before speak.

“Welcome, everyone.” He says, greeting them cheek to cheek.

The weight of the room was unmistakably heavy. All of them looked as if they had something to say. Though he had already predicted as much. He had breached several agreements not only from other pacts but also from the wolves his father considered as comrades.

“Nathaniel Gordon L. Morris,” Thalia Bently, his aunt looked at him sternly. “Where’s Eliza?”

Nathaniel jumped, his cheeks aflame with embarrassment. It’s been ages since his full name was uttered by someone and his aunt was the only person who does it. Even he had avoided using his name.

He brushed his unease with a lopsided smile.

“She’s not feeling well today and she asked to be excused.”

“Not feeling well? We are all not feeling well, Nathaniel.” Thalia spat.

His smile quickly fades as he brought his shoulders back. His aunt was a very shrewd woman who hated his father’s choices, in addition, she also abhorred Nathaniel, Jacob, and Eliza. Her spiteful endeavors were always put on hold when Jacob Senior was still alive but now that he was gone, Thalia had free reign to do so whatever she wanted.

“I know, Aunt Thalia. I apologize.” He says.

“Apologies are not well-appreciated here, nephew. Especially with the climate you’ve caused.”

He flattens his lips, unwilling to speak. Any kind of response from him would be silenced. It was better for the woman to lose some steam before he spoke and it wouldn’t be wise to talk back now when three other wolves were in the room.

“Jacob would be very disappointed, seeing your less than agreeable situation. No mate? For crying out loud! Look at Joseph Albrich, twenty-two and he has already three children. And let’s not forget three packs leaving pack Morris. Of all the wolves you chose to mess with, you chose the Highcliffs. Their wolves might be weak but their hold in our world is big. This is the same reason why I was against your useless of a mother from marrying Jacob. That lecherous, half-witted wolf should just fall off a cliff and die. And I can’t believe he took her back after she became pregnant by another man and the worst part is, you let that bastard child live in the pack!”

Nathaniel gritted his teeth, gray eyes blazing in fury.

“Yes, my mother has indeed made mistakes and so have I. I stand here in front of you to receive your final verdict for my actions not to hear you berate and degrade the woman who gave birth to me. So, forgive me auntie if I am brazen enough to talk back after listening to a tactless wolf who clearly lets her anger of the past shadow the current affair. And don’t you dare call my brother that word. I will not tolerate it if anyone with my blood is disrespected.”

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