twenty seven: delusions

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There were things Selena wanted to never remember again. Her parents’ decapitated head, Nathaniel’s existence, and all her stupid irrational fears. The scene in front of her was an addition to the list.

It was of Talon’s naked body grinding on top of Katie’s. They were caught in the moment, so enthralled with their noises, sweat, and movements that not one of them noticed Selena’s arrival. Only when the both of them climaxed, Talon collapsing on top of her that they finally sensed her presence.

Katie’s eyes that swelled with serenity moments ago now was drowning in panic. It was the same for Talon. He gathered his sheets, carefully draping them over Katie’s exposed body.

He approached her, careful with his footing.

Confusion rocked her as Selena strove to create a rationalized reason for what she was seeing in front of her. She wanted to believe it was a dream.

That all of this was just stressed-induced hallucinations her mind drummed up from lack of sleep. But the wound on his neck said otherwise.

“Selena, I’m going to explain.” Talon touched her shoulder.

She slapped his hand away and stared at him. She snapped from her trance and started to cave in to her tears.

“Don’t touch me.” She spat.

Anger coursed in her veins as she glances at Katie. The wolf covered herself with her a blanket while she stared down on her lap.

Selena wanted to scream and charge at her but she couldn’t. Her feet were rooted to the floor while a lump in her throat stopped her from speaking.

She mustered the courage to smile, swallowing her pride. She couldn’t afford to let Katie see how weak she was even if that was exactly the case. Instead of following the torrent in her heart, she relaxed her shoulders, raised her chin, and ignored the tears on her cheeks.

“You’re together now.” She spoke.

Katie’s guilt-ridden eyes sparkled with tears as she stood.


“No, please don’t say anything.” Selena swallowed back the choice words in her mind.

Talon moved towards Katie’s side, holding her hand in a caring way as if he was making sure he was there for her. While he was doing so, her eyes caught the shiny golden band hanging on Katie’s neck.

Her world would only shatter a bit more when she realized it was her father’s wedding band. Which only means they’re already engaged and fucking each other.

Though she shouldn’t be surprised anymore. Passing down rings was a family tradition. But seeing her father’s ring on Katie almost broke the last straw. She released a heavy breath, disappointed at Talon. Disappointed with herself and everything.

“Congratulations on your engagement and to you Kayla. I relinquish my title as Luna Highcliff to you.”

It wasn’t that simple. Passing her position as Luna needed to be done in a ceremony where she stood in front of the pack and formally speak her words to congratulate Katie and then a few other nonsense to complete her inauguration.

There was simply no way in hellfire that was going to happen.

She wanted to melt rather than be seen in the same space with her.

She smiled for the last time before turning away. Talon grasped her shoulder, making her face him. They stare at each other, leaving a silent exchange of unspoken words. She couldn’t say anything. Too busy hiding her emotions to form a word but even if she did say something, Talon would know it was all just a lie.

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