Fallen for you

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Ed’s pov

Today was the day I was leaving Taylor to go back home to Britain, which I really didn’t want to do. She wasn’t stable enough to leave yet, it wasn’t two days ago I found her in a ball on her bathroom floor crying, like really Harry has broken her. She is getting so much hate since the breakup, and I had found her yesterday crying while looking through her twitter. I’m worried about her and I really don’t want to leave her here alone. I got out of bed to get breakfast, my flight wasn’t till another two hours.

“Hey Tay”, I smiled while coming into the kitchen. She turned around and I could see her eyes glistening with tears.

"Whats wrong?” I was by her side in a matter of seconds cradling her in my arms.

“I’m really going to miss you say that too me in the mornings. I’m really going to miss you altogether”, she sobbed onto my shoulder.

“Oh Taytay, I’m going to miss you so much as well, but I promise we will skype everyday. Ok?” I said on the verge of tears myself. She smiled at me and then turned around to continue making her eggs.

“Here Ed”, she smiled sadly handing me a plate of eggs.

“Thanks love”, I smirked.


“Come on Ed, you’re going to miss your flight”, Taylor screamed from the kitchen.

“Coming”, I shouted putting the last few things into my suitcase. I quickly ran out to Taylor and we both ran out to the car pushing past all the paparazzi.

“Ed promise me one thing”, Taylor whispered as we pulled into the airport.

“Yes”, I mumbled, wondering what she could possibly want to prom ise with me.

“Promise me that you’ll come and see me again soon and ring or facetime me at least once a day”, she smiled.

“I promise. Walk with me into the airport”, I asked her.

“Ok, let’s go. Oh we better run or you’ll miss your flight”. With that we ran into the airport and when it was time that Taylor couldn’t come any further with me, I grabbed her arm and pulled her into a massive hug. I kissed her forehead which was covered by her fringe.

“Stay strong Taylor and goodbye for now”, I whispered breaking out of the hug.

“I will and goodbye Ed”, Taylor gasped, a tear trickled down her cheek and I caught it.

“No more crying as well, my Taylor. Ok?” I half smiled at her.

“Ok Ed”, she half smiled back at me.

“I’ll call you when I land”, I shouted as I ran to catch my plane.

Taylor’s pov.

“I love you”, I whispered, as Ed disappeared from my sight and probably from my life now for a while as well. I walked sadly back to my car missing Ed’s presence already. I really did love Ed, but that didn’t matter anymore because Ed was gone now. I tried hard not to cry during the drive home for Ed but I failed miserably.

Finally I arrived home and I rushed to my room.

“Ed why aren’t you here?” I screamed to no one in particular. How dare Ed leave me when I needed him most? Taylor don’t be so stupid Ed is not your boyfriend he is just your best friend whome you happened to fall in love with.


I was awoken to the sound of my phone ringing, I rubbed my eyes grudgingly and reached for my phone. When I seen who was calling I was definitely not tired anymore.

“Hey Ed”, I yawned.

“Hi Taylor, sorry for waking you but I needed to hear your voice”, Ed said sweetly and if he was here with me he would see me blushing like a tomato as well.

“I miss you so much Ed”, I said sadly.

“I miss you way more Taylor”, he laughed from the other line.

“Nope not as much as me”, I smiled wildly.

“Don’t believe you for one minute”, I could tell he was smiling.

“What you doing?” I asked.

“Thinking about you, you?”

“Same. Ed I have something to tell you”.

“What is it Taylor?” he,s asked but I quickly hung up. I nearly told him that I loved him. Oh God, get a grip Taylor. Ed tried to ring me again, but gave up when I didn’t answer on the third ring. I really wanted to tell him but I really didn’t want to mess up our friendship.


Ed’s pov

What did Taylor want to tell me and why was she too scared to tell me, I wondered to myself as I was lying in bed that night. Could she possibly like me as well? Hell no Ed, how could someone that amazing like someone like you. I was trying to through hints at her tonight but I don’t really think she picked up on them. Oh how I really wanted to tell her that I loved her and I have for some time now.

A/n Hayy guys. If any of you were reading me other fanfic on delena I deleted it because I really hated my writing iyn it. So yeah I'll be just doing this story for a while. See yas!!!!!!!!!!

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