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Ed's pov

I looked over at Taylor as she placed the last of the baby's clothing into the chest of drawers. She due anytime soon and we were now picking out the outfit that our beautiful baby girl will be coming home in.

"How about these?" Taylor asked dreamily. "They are the cutest", she smiled lifting up a pair of pink leggings with little cat prints on them with a cute white frilly top with a cat face on it. Yes Taylor's obsession withy cat's hasn't ended yet.

"Yeah they are very cute", I agreed with her and placed a kiss on her lips. "Put them in the bag and I'll go make you a cup of coffee", I told her and headed down the stairs. I made Taylor coffee and me some tea and placed them on a tray with some cookies and headed back up the  baby's  bedroom. All the walls were painted light pink with a beautiful dark mahogany cot in the centre of the room. In a semi - circle behind the cot our baby's name was spelt out in white 3d letters. There was a pink fluffly teddy in the cot and the rest of the furniture was white.

"Right well that's the baby's bag packed now moving on swiftly to mine", she groaned placing her hand on her stomach. "Please princess stop kicking me for a few minutes", she whined but smiled when she seen me standing there with the tray. "Stop being creepy and come give me my tea", she giggled.

"Oh I'm creepy now am I", I said sternly but I just had to laugh with her.

"Come on please. I feel and look like a whale", she groaned.

"No Mrs. Sheeran you look beautiful", I smiled kissing her on the lips.


"Right you have your jammies, slippers.......", I continued reading everything of her list as she nodded her head each time.

"Well then we're all ready we just have to with for missus there to be ready", she groaned. "I just want her to be here with us already and to quit kicking the death out of me", Taylor smiled sadly but there was excitement behind her eyes.

"I know baby but when she comes it's going to be hard but also so amazing", I smiled helping her into bed.

"Yeah I can't wait", she laughed.

"I'll be up in an hour or two", I said kissing her head.

"Why?" she whined, pouting her lip.

"Hey just call me if you need anything", I said softly as I left the door open a crack. I padded down the stairs into the kitchen were I got my laptop and checked my social media. After an hour an a half I heard Taylor roar my name. I quickly shut my laptop and bounded up the stairs.

"What's wrong", I gasped in between breaths.

"It's ok calm down, call the hospital my waters broke", she smiled happily.


Taylor's pov

"Come on one last push and she'll be here", the midwife said softly but toughly. I pushed really hard down to my bottom and I heard a wail.

"Well done guys you had a girl", she said happily as she placed my beaitiflu baby girl on my chest for a quick cuddle before they took her to check if she was ok and clean her up.

"She's beautiful ain't she", Ed smiled as he kissed my hand.

"Uh huh", I nodded as tears rolled down my cheeks.

"Here is your daughter back. She is 6lbs 12ozs and very healthy", the midwife told me as she handed my baby girl who was wrapped in a pink blanket. "So what are you calling her?" she asked happily.

"Aria", Ed and I said at the same time. "He got it from Games of Thrones", I giggled.

"Well that is a beautiful name for a beautiful baby", the midwife smiled kindly. "Well I'll leave you guys alone", she added and left the room.


Four day's later

"And hers is your room Aria", Ed smiled as we walked into her very girly room. "But you'll be sleeping with mummy and Daddy for the first few months", he added in his baby voice.

"Yeah Aria and your Grandma from America will be visiting today. She is actually on her way now. Your other Grandma is picking them up now", I said smiling at Ed who had our baby girl in his arms.

"Hey you ok?" he asked Aria who was wailing quite violently.

"Here I say she's hungry, I'll take her and you can make her a bottle", I ordered him. I decided to go for battle feeding since I found breast feeding way to hard and she wouldn't drink properly.

"Here baby girl, Daddy has your bottle now", I smiled as Ed came I into the sitting room with the bottle.

"Hey I'll feed her you go get some rest before our families come", Ed suggested.

"Oh my god thanks Ed, I love you so much", I sighed as I handed Aria over to him.

"Hey it's no problem baby and I love you to", he called softly as I made my way out of the sitting room and up to my bed.


"Taylor hunnie we're here", my mum called, knocking softly on my bedroom door.

"I'm coming now", I yawned rubbing my eyes and fixed my hair and face up.

"Mum", I smiled as I engulfed her in a hug.

"Aria is the most beautiful baby", my mother said softly which made me feel proud.

"I know mum she is so good at night and everything", I sighed as we walked down the stairs and into the sitting room where Austin was holding my baby.

"Congrats sis she is such a cutie", he smiled and placed a soft kiss on her fore head.

"Thanks bro", I winked.

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