She's right

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Ed's pov

Taylor traced my tattoos as we lay in bed, I asked her to stay with me tonight because I was a mess of emotions.

"I can't believe she hit you though", I whispered again.

"Ed like I told you before I deserved it, I made her upset", she whispered placing her head on my chest.

"No one deserves to be hit ", I said softly.

"I know Ed but I shouldn't of upset her", she replied softly, placing a small kiss on my lips.

"Lets just go to sleep and discuss more in the morning", she yawned.

"Okay babe", I smiled and twisted a lock of her hair around my finger, then let her roll of me.


"Morning sleepyhead", I said as soon as Taylor opened her eyes.

"How long have you been awake?" she yawned, placing a hand over her mouth.

"About an hour", I replied smiling at her.

"Why didn't you wake me up? Well actually good you didn't because I would of killed ya. But like you could of made breakfast", she told me sternly.

"Yeah but then I wouldn't have got to watch you sleep", I laughed.

"Ed that sounds so creepy", she laughed hitting my arm, I pretended to wince looking shocked. She just shook her head at me and started to get out of the bed. I grabbed her waist and pulled on top of me.

"Now, you're not going anywhere", I sighed.

"Come on Ed, you have to get up and visit your mother, I'll drop you of and then go shopping. I'm sure your mother doesn't want to see me", she told me grabbing my arm to get us both out of bed.

"But I need your support", I pouted and I seen her eyes soften.

"Ed I know where I'm not welcomed", she said softer this time.

"Tay please just come with me, you don't need to talk to her just please come with me", I begged kissing her softly on the kiss.

"Okay but Ed if she doesn't want me there I'll have to leave", she smiled softly returning the kiss.

"Well let's get dressed and go then", I told her slapping her on the ass, she turned around and scowled me, causing me to laugh. Taylor left the room and then came back in.

"Ed I have no clothes, let me go to my hotel get dressed and then come back her", she said awkwardly.

"Ok but you know you could always stay here", I told her hoping she'd agree.

"Ed remember we have only went on one date, you don't move in with someone straight away", she scolded but I could see how much she wanted to agree.

"I'm not asking you to stay here forever, just to stay here before you go back to America. Please, this house is to big for one person anyway", I added.

"Okay then I'll be back in a few minutes, be dressed and have breakfast ready", she shouted as she headed out the door.


"Okay but what if she starts screaming at me again", Taylor asked worriedly.

"Then you leave but she'll have no reason to scream at you this time", I said rougher then I intended to.

"I know", she sighed and we headed into the hospital.

"We're here to see Imogen Sheeran", I told the reception lady.

"Yes and you are her?" she questioned.

"Her son and this is my girlfriend Taylo", I nodded at Taylor, oh I hope she didn't mind me calling her my girlfriend, I hope she kind of liked it and that she would call me her boyfriend, she smiled back at me.

"Taylor Swift?" the woman asked.

"Yes", Taylor confirmed softly.

"Oh I'm sorry but Mrs. Sheeran's nurse spoke to me and told me not to let you in that you caused the woman major distress", she said.

"Oh right well Ed you go on ahead I'll be in the cafeteria", Taylor told me and I nodded at her and followed a nurse to my mother.

"Mum how are you?" I asked as I came in.

"Oh Ed, is Taylor ok", my mum looked like she was about to cry.

"Yes mum she's fine but next time you don't like my girlfriend don't hit her", I joked and she gave me a weak smile. " Mum she came with me to see ya but the nurse wouldn't let her in", I added

"Oh ok, I suppose it's best if she doesn't come in but make sure you tell her that I never meant to hit her and I went over everything that she spoke to me about and I've taken it all into consideration and she is right Ed, if I keep holding onto your Dad I'm going to lose you and I don't think I'll ever forgive myself", she spoke quietly tears rolling down her cheeks.

"What are you saying mum?" I asked cautiously.

"I want to divorce your Dad Ed. Is that okay?" she whispered.

"Oh mum. That is great and I'm so glad your finally divorcing him", I smiled wrapping my arms aroung her carefully.


"So she actually took what I said into consideration and is finally getting a divorce", Taylor smiled happily.

"Yeah I think that's what I said", I laughed.

"This is brilliant Ed", Taylor said as we drove back to my house.

"I know Tay, things are finally looking up. I got my girl back and finally my mum is getting away from my disgusting father", I sighed.

"Why have you started calling me your girlfriend", Taylor smiled.

"Wait you don't want to be", I asked pretending to look hurt.

"Of course I do and is it ok if I call you my boyfriend?" she asked shyly.

"Of course", I replied happily.

A/N I know it's short and probably boring. Sorry!!! But don't forget to comment and favourite and I'll update even faster then that

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