When You Break Up

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- William decided he could not continue his relationship with you, because he didn't want you to unknowingly join the side of evil

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- William decided he could not continue his relationship with you, because he didn't want you to unknowingly join the side of evil. He wanted to make sure you were able to witness the world he wanted to create without having you involved in his evil plans.

- He thought that by doing this, he was protecting you. He wanted to protect you, and so he decided that separating from you would keep you safe.

- William came over to your residence one night, and confronted you personally. He couldn't even look you in the eye as he was saying the words he had never wanted to say to you. He was heartbroken, but he knew that he was doing this to protect you, and he didn't want to be selfish.

- After telling you that he could no longer continue his relationship with you, you begged him to tell you why, to at least tell you the reason that he was leaving you so suddenly. But he could not disclose the information to you. It was all for your safety, for your own good, it was all to protect you, (y/n). He told himself over and over again, the only thoughts that kept him from losing his sanity.

- You loved William, he had loved you, and he still did. It hurt you that he wouldn't even tell you why he was doing this. You cried more than you ever had in your life that night. You didn't even go to work after that, staying in your room, feeling miserable.

- The fact that he won't even tell me why, it hurts me more than he could ever imagine. He says he's doing this to protect me, to keep me safe, but he doesn't realise how much he's hurting me. 

- Louis started spending less time with you than he used to

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- Louis started spending less time with you than he used to. He shut himself in his room more often, and he worked on cleaning the household on his own. After noticing this behaviour, you knew that most likely he was avoiding you again. You decided it would be best to go and try to talk to him. He was acting a little distant and that worried you.

- You found Louis in his room sitting on his bed, and he had tears in his eyes. You instantly went over to him, putting an arm around him and you asked him what was the matter. He just looked away from you, saying nothing. 

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