First Time Headcanons

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This chapter contains slight NSFW. There isn't any direct sexual act, but there are some references to it. If you think you'd feel uncomfortable with this, you can just skip this chapter! 

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This was requested by greymorning123

- William didn't have much experience before, but this man just knows what he's doing, because honestly, of course, he's good at everything

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- William didn't have much experience before, but this man just knows what he's doing, because honestly, of course, he's good at everything. He knows exactly what to do to make you feel good, and he naturally knows every single one of your weaknesses, using them to pleasure you even further. 

- He would never hurt you or go too rough, especially since it would be the first time. He'd make sure that the first time is as intimate as possible, and he'd make the whole night about you, making sure you know how precious you are to him, and that he treasures you. 

- It would be a really passionate night, and William would want to make sure you remember this feeling for a long time. He wants you to crave his touch even more after, and he wants to show you just how much love he can show you. 

- For aftercare, William will usually want to take a shower. He'll prepare the shower for both of you, and there, he'll clean you and himself up. Then, William will wrap you up in a warm towel and help you get back to bed. 

- He usually doesn't go to sleep, but if you want him to stay with you during the night, of course, he will lie down with you and hold your hand until you fall asleep. He might decide to leave you be for the night, once he's sure you're sleeping and if he's a hundred percent sure that you'll be alright.

 He might decide to leave you be for the night, once he's sure you're sleeping and if he's a hundred percent sure that you'll be alright

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-  Louis would be very gentle and sweet with you during your first time, and I headcanon that it would be his first as well.  

- He would be very careful not to hurt you. He would make sure that you are comfortable the whole time, always asking you how you're feeling. He would be a bit shy at first, but he'd start to feel more at ease after. 

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