They Miss You

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- You had found a new relationship so soon after leaving William

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- You had found a new relationship so soon after leaving William. But the truth was, you still hadn't been able to completely move on.

- You thought that a new relationship would help you move on, but it just made you feel worse. You didn't even like this man, and he was more like nothing but a rebound for you. You felt awful, but you helplessly thought that this would make you feel better.

- You missed William more with each passing second. And now, because of your impulsive decisions, you were stuck in a relationship with a stranger.

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- When William saw you with your new boyfriend, he was devastated. He was on his way to the university of Durham when he saw you with that new man. It was clear as day that you had moved on.

- He thought he would want you to move on and forget about him, but when he saw that you had indeed moved on, it hurt him. It hurt him more than he wanted to admit. He tried as much as he could to forget you, but he just couldn't.

- The scene kept replaying in his mind, when he told you that he needed to leave you. He did want to protect you, but he doubted himself, even if it was just a little. He wondered, was that really the right thing to do?

- I don't want anyone to ever touch my (y/n), or even talk to her like I used to. The truth is, I want her all to myself. How pleasant it would be to rip that the heart of that vile man who thinks he can touch my (y/n) like that. Men who dare touch my beloved (y/n) should be punished, shouldn't they?

- After what had happened with Louis, you avoided him

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- After what had happened with Louis, you avoided him. You didn't want to talk to him, and you felt that he had hurt you in an unforgivable way. You just continued your duties around the mansion alone. You did your part, and he did his.

- Luckily, the mansion was big enough that you didn't cross paths with him too often. You felt awful for avoiding him like this, and you knew that it would be better if you started talking to him again.

- You felt lonely without Louis, and you wished that everything was how it was before, when he loved you and you loved him. Cleaning distracted you from the feeling of sadness, but that feeling always came back.

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