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[Wednesday morning, at the train station]

"What are we now, modeling partners?" I chuckle.

"I think so." Felix says, "JYP always sends me to go modeling with you now."

"yeah." I chuckle, "It's only making our friendship stronger, though."

"Yeah, you're right." he says, "Well, say bye to your boyfriend."

"but he's not here..?" I basically ask, confused.

"Turn around." he says plainly.

I turn around and jump to see Jisung and he automatically laughs.

"Hey bae." he smirks.

"Hey." I say, and see Jeongin appear from behind him.

my cheeks go red and I avoid eye contact or any interaction with Jeongin, nervous.

"Are you avoiding me?" Jeongin asks, "I came here to say bye."

I mumble something under voice.

"what was that?" he asks.

"Nothing." I gulp, my heart beating fast.

"Well," Jisung says, and kisses my lips, "I'm gonna miss you...don't do anything with Felix."

"hm?" I ask, confused.

"you know what I'm talking about." he whispers in my ear.

"I know~" I eye roll playfully, "I would never cheat on you." I say and ruffle his hair, "You mean too much to me."

he smiles, "I love you."

"I love you too." I smile at him.

"You better call me." he smiles at me, "Okay?"

I nod, "Okay."

"Hey, I'm gonna head to the store." Felix says, "I'll be back quickly."

I nod, "okay."

"yeah, same." Jeongin says to me, "Consider me a friend, okay?"

I nod, "Mhm."

"I'm gonna go to the store with Felix." Jisung says, "Stay here with innie."

"okay." I say simply.

he leaves, leaving Jeongin and I with each other.

"So..." I say awkwardly, trying to start a conversation, "Y-"

"I know you like me." he says simply, cutting me off.

he flusters me, "H-huh?"

"I know you like me." he says simply, "it's so obvious."

"How can you be so sure?" I ask as if my heart isn't a beating mess right now.

"When you look at me..." he says, "You don't look at Jisung like that."

"Yeah." I say, "'cause I see him as more than a friend."

"You don't look at Felix that way either." he says, desperate to expose my dying love for him.

"Because Felix is my best friend." I say.

"Then what am I?" he asks.

"Your a friend." I say simply, "Not my boyfriend, nor best friend."

"Touché." he smirks, "I'll get you to confess one day."

"But I'm not?" I say, looking at him weirdly, "I already have someone I like."

Sun And Snow [Lee Felix x OC] (MLW)Where stories live. Discover now