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"Why are we even doing this? It's just an old ass dock." releasing a long groan the raven haired teen threw his arms up to exaggerate his point, the orange headband keeping his locks in place continued to slip also leading to the constant complaints.

"Because uh. . .yeah why are we doing this?" Being clad in a thick turtleneck sweater another man paused what he was doing turning towards the one who'd asked them for assistance. It's not like they were opposed to helping one another, they were just confused as to why they were fixing up some random dock.

The man who they'd been asking all these questions to merely let out a low hum, his blue hues traced the horizon before coming to fall across two figures in the distance. One of which was standing in place somewhat leaning over the other who was crouched down.

A small sandcastle was being built between the smaller figures' hands and the ebony haired man could only smile softly. He couldn't quite see his companions expression but from the looks of it and the gentle bounce of the girls shoulders did he know the two were engaging in a light hearted conversation.

"Because it's something nice to do for a comrade." The words left his lips with another breath, he never went into details when asking what the white haired man did in his spare time. But he did begin to notice a shift in moods with the man, he didn't seem as easily irritated or agitated as usual.

It was only really one day that he'd decided to follow his companion curious as to what he'd been occupying his time with. That decision led him to discover the small (H/C) haired girl who he'd meet up with along the shore side, the two then would chat and do whatever.

But it was when he noticed Abbacchio's slight smile did he realize that this was what he looked forward to every evening.

Sure he'd never met the (H/C) haired girl personally, but if she was able to make the white haired man loosen up then he found a reason to step in.

If anything he was happy to see his friend making other friends outside of the organization.

"Who even is that?" Turning to look at the raven haired teen leaning over the railing looking towards the two the older man let out a breath.

"Someone that probably means more than we assume." Humming that out and looking back towards the two he observed the way she'd begun burying the tall man's shoes within the sand.

Her hands patted the small hill on top while a laugh presumably left her lips. Abbacchio's attention trailed down towards her before he seemingly let out a groan raising his feet to break them out of their sandy confines, the sand in response was then lightly kicked at the girl.

"If i did that he'd kill me." Rolling his eyes at the young boy's comment he turned back to face the others.

"Come on everyone, we should be finished fixing this up by tomorrow. Chop Chop."

There was no real rush to fix the simple dock but he wanted to do it as soon as possible, fixing something that he assumed had more sentimental value than any of them knew.

"Keep throwing sand at me and I swear I'll. . .I'll" Unable to properly figure out how to threaten the white haired man he simply just raised a brow, the corner of his lips quirked up into a faint smile.

"You'll what?"

"I'll get rid of the shell that looks like your eyes." Crossing her arms while stating that a huff left her lips afterwards, she knew it wasn't much of a real threat but that was the whole point.

"I didn't even know you were that much of a collectomaniac."

"I'm not! I'm just making something with it." Her tone right away came out defensively and he could only let out a hum curious as to what she was planning to make with it.

"And what are you going to make?"

Looking up to meet the man's ombre hues a smile crept across her face, one of her hands raised and a finger crossed before her lips. "That's a secret that only I know."

Rolling his eyes at that he released a loud sigh moving to stand beside her before leaning down to set himself onto the sand- much to her surprise.

"I thought you didn't want to get any sand on you?" Recalling a day or so prior that he didn't want to sit down because of how sand clung to clothing you eyed him curiously.

"I didn't," Beginning with that he dragged his hand through the sand for a second or two eventually pulling out a small conch shell. The item was then extended outwards being placed onto the very top of her very poorly made sand castle.

"But I wanted to be beside you."

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