Chapter One

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My phone's alarm wakes me up at six in the morning, as usual. I stretch and open my eyes. The first rays of California sunshine pour into our bedroom through the huge picture window. Bruiser, my Chihuahua, is sleeping on the foot of our bed. My husband, Emmett, is spooning me; his naked body is toasty warm against mine. I roll over and wake him with a soft kiss.

"Good morning, sweetheart," he whispers sleepily, returning my kiss. I pull back to look into his eyes, and my chest swells with love for him. Even after five years together and two years of marriage, Emmett still gives me butterflies every time he looks at me.

Reluctantly, I head into the bathroom and start the shower. After I've finished, I slip my pink satin bathrobe over my shoulders, return to the bedroom, and scroll through my phone. The date catches my eye. I frown and open my period tracker app, and what I see makes my stomach drop: I'm four days late. Usually my period comes like clockwork, so this is concerning. Emmett and I both want a baby, but we haven't necessarily been trying for one yet. I pull out my box of birth control pills and realize that I accidentally skipped a dose five days ago. My heart begins to pound, so I go back to the bathroom and grab a pregnancy test that I've been keeping in case a situation like this should ever arise. Fortunately I haven't had the urge to pee this morning until now, so I can still take the test and get an accurate result. I uncap the stick, settle onto the toilet, and empty my bladder. Three minutes later, that one life-altering word flashes onto the screen: Pregnant.

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