Chapter Two

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"Emmett?" I call. "Could you come here for a second, honey?"  Bruiser whines and scratches at the bathroom door, begging me to let him in Emmett walks into the bathroom wearing only his boxers and I can see his face light up with realization as his eyes flit from me to the test in my hand.

"Surprise," I squeal, unable to contain my excitement. "You're gonna be a daddy!"

"I'm gonna be a dad!" Emmett picks me up in his muscular arms and drops a tender kiss on my lips. "And you're going to be the most amazing mom in the world, baby." He sets me back down and kneels in front of me. He gently unties my robe, and I let it fall from my shoulders so that I'm completely naked. I'm kind of anticipating some celebratory morning sex, but Emmett seems to have other plans. He places his hands on either side of my belly, which is obviously still flat, and leans in close so that his face is right next to it.

"Hi, baby Richmond. I'm your daddy," he murmurs, rubbing my belly. "Your mommy and I can't wait to meet you. Stay nice and safe in there for us, okay? We love you so much already, little one." He kisses my belly gently, and my heart melts. I didn't think it was possible to love him any more than I already did, but I fall more for him in that one little moment. My phone suddenly buzzes, ending our romantic time, and I check the screen. Shit, I need to get ready.

I hurry into my gigantic walk-in closet and quickly choose my outfit for the day: A classic red and black tweed Chanel suit with simple black Prada stiletto pumps. I pull my hair into a ponytail with a black satin bow and complete the ensemble with a black Chanel bag. It's a timeless, chic look.

I work for the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office as an Assistant D.A. I've been with the office for two years now, and I love it. I specialize in prosecuting violent crimes, homicides, and crimes against children. Standing up for the most vulnerable people in society is the most rewarding job on the planet, and I can't imagine doing anything else.

As soon as I sit down at my desk, I feel the room starting to spin. My stomach lurches, and I make a beeline for the bathroom. After about five minutes of retching, I'm able to stand up again. I haven't thrown up this much since my Delta Nu days.

"You okay, hon?" My friend and colleague, Nicole, whose office is right next to mine, knocks gently on the door of my bathroom stall.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I answer, sitting down on the toilet and trying to focus on my breathing. Thank God I have a ponytail today; otherwise my hair would definitely have vomit in it. I feel like the floor is tilting and pitching under my feet.

"You can't fool me," Nicole says as I exit the stall and head for the sink. "What's going on, Elle? Spit it out."

"I had a leftover quesadilla for breakfast this morning," I lie. I know from the look on her face that she knows it's bullshit, but I really don't care about anything but surviving today.

"Let me grab you a ginger ale," she offers. I nod and thank her, and ten minutes later I'm slowly sipping a cold glass of the soda.

During my lunch break, I call my gynecologist's office and schedule an appointment for tomorrow morning with Dr. Plath. Afterwards, I call Emmett, and he immediately decides to go to the office later so he can be with me. The excitement in his voice is infectious, and despite all the sickness I'm feeling, I can't help but smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2021 ⏰

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