Chapter 7

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Toni woke up the next morning with a cold side and a pounding headache. She groaned and held her head, getting up from her current position. She was blinded my yellow and white light that was shining through the opened window. She closed the curtains, now being in a room of dimmed lightning.

After, she laid down and found herself going into a doze again. She was about to fully close her eyes when she heard the brown dorm door get opened. She looked down to see a redhead with food and a pharmacy bag. Toni gave a small smile and sat up some, catching Cheryl by surprise.

"Good afternoon, lover," Cheryl said, making her way to the bed. Toni playfully rolled her eyes and got under the covers.

"No. Get up, Toni." Cheryl said, pulling the covers off her.

"But why?" Toni asked as Cheryl rose a brow.

"Get up. You've been sleep all day." Cheryl said as Toni huffed. Cheryl wasn't fazed by it either, given that's exactly what she did the day prior.

"Take these and drink this." Cheryl said as she gave Toni some ibuprofen and a water bottle. Toni took and it and sat the bottled water on the nightstand.

"Why did you take me to that party?" Toni asked as Cheryl passed her some food.

"It's a weekend and Betty invited me... then I invited you." Cheryl confessed as Toni nodded.

"You had some fun at the party, though." Cheryl said with a smirk. Toni gave her a questioning looked and crossed her legs on the bed.

"What do you mean by that?" Toni asked as  Cheryl giggled a bit.

"Well, you were taking shot after shot, at the party. Um, you were dancing on and with people. You made out with me," Cheryl listed as Toni looked at her in shock.

"Oh, and you also called me a Karen, and a Susan. That's what you think of me, huh?" Cheryl spoke as Toni put her head down. Cheryl smirked and shook her head.

"No. It's not. Maybe at that moment you were acting like one, but no." Toni said as Cheryl nodded. Toni was stuck in her thoughts, trying to figure out some things that happened the day prior. That's when the closet moments came rushing to her.

The intense make out session with Cheryl. She remembered how the redhead instantly knew her soft spot, the soft spot that made her squirm within her touch. How one hand had a firm grip on her hip, the other being on her neck as she made marks into her skin. How she, herself, had her hands roaming over her body. Feeling in every curve she had, her butt being the favorite part.

That's when the closet time with Veronica came into mind. How they talked, Veronica apologizing, saying she was sorry about something she caused to happen. Then their kiss ran through her head. That kiss. The kiss she didn't want, but fed into at a time of influence. She kissed her. She kissed her then she kissed Cheryl.

Oh, my gosh. I kissed Veronica. Oh, shit. What is Cheryl going to say? Should I tell her? It won't get out, would it? I have to tell her now. Thoughts consuming Toni's thoughts as Cheryl's voice snapped her out of them.

"Where'd you go? Everything okay?" Cheryl asked as Toni looked at her and then lowered her head.

"Um, I have something to tell you." Toni said, not looking at the redhead.

"What is it? Is it anything bad?" Cheryl asked as Toni nodded. Cheryl sighed and gave her attention to the brunette.

"I kissed Veronica, yesterday." Toni confessed. Cheryl just looked at her and started to scratch the back of her neck.

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