Chapter 10

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The girls have to go on winter break soon and Cheryl has yet to meet Toni's family ot haven't even heard Toni mention a word about her family. The two women are in Toni's dorm when Toni got a phone call.

"Baby, let me take this real quick," Toni said getting off the bed.

'Okay," Cheryl responded watching Toni leave out the room.

Toni answered the phone to see it was her brother, Fangs.


"I told you to stop calling me that, but what's up?"

"Haha, I know, but Penelope's out. Again."

"Did she fuck with anyone?"

"No, but I just thought you should know unless something happens and it's her."

"Well, if she didn't do anything, then just keep an eye out. Let me know if anything goes down."

"Okay. How's you and your girl?"

''Stay out of my business, gaybie. Anyways, I'm going to go, bye."

'Rude much. Bye, dumbass."

Before Toni could repsond the line went dead. Toni laughed a little and went back into the room to see Cheryl sitting on the bed looking at her.

"Are you cheating or something?" Cheryl asked with an attitude.

'Babe, what? No, I'm not cheating," Toni said walking over to the redhead, giving her a kiss on the forehead.

"Then why have you been getting calls and being secretive?" Cheryl asked turning to the brunette.

"It's my brothers. Usually they just text, but when they call it's always somethign going on. Sorry if you felt offended my it." Toni said, grabbing Cheryl's hands and kisisng her knuckles.

"It's okay. Is everything okay with them?" Cheryl said laying on Toni's lap.

"Yeah they're fine. Just family drama... per usual." Toni said running her fingers through Cheryl's hair.

"Oh, okay. When can I meet them?" Cheryl asked. Toni sighed and stopped rubbing Cheryl's scalp.

"If you want to meet them then you'll have to come to Canada. Are you sure you want to be that far from your family? Especially on break," Toni asked.

"Um, can we go to Canada and then Riverdale? Or even the other way around?" Cheryl asked.

"We can go to Canada first." Toni asked playing with the ends of Cheryl's hair.

"Do you think they'll like me?" Cheryl asked playing with the hem of Toni's shorts.

"They already do. You passed my brothers, though. Not so much of my mom. My mom might be like yours...but a bit more...nonchalant." Toni said making Cheryl loook up at her.

"What do you mean?" Cheryl asked folding her hands on her lap.

"Well, she tends to say things she needs to say to get under people's skin. Which means, she will say some things she doesn't mean just to see your reaction. You don't have to worry about her." Toni said, informing Cheryl about her mother's antics.

"Okay," Cheryl responded laying back into Toni's lap. If you asked Cheryl, she was scared as hell. If Toni's mom was like her own but more... it was definitely going to be some hurt feelings during their meeting.


The school was just let out on winter break and the girls were getting some of their things to go to Canada for two weeks.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2021 ⏰

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