Chapter 10 Bonding

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Almost a month had passed since Virginia, a month during which the outside world prepared for the uncertainty of another war.

But at the Xavier mansion, things had never been better for the mutants. Evie and Erik were starting to grow tentatively closer, and she could now admit that she thought of him as perhaps her closest friend – in some ways, more so than even Raven or Lisa. While the older blonde mutant was really sweet and Lisa fun to chat with, it was easier for Evie to be around Erik now that they each knew the other's 'deep and darkest' secrets. Not only that, but Erik was somehow better able to help Evie in understanding and controlling her powers, taking what Charles had taught him and passing those lessons onto Evie in a way that made more sense to her than Charles's 'don't let fear govern you.'

She had yet to warp physics, but she'd made leaps and bounds in her projection of visions. Charles had also started to work with her on controlling the only reality warp that she had shown herself to be able to produce so far – the mirror 'dimension', a name change that Erik had suggested. While it wasn't really a different dimension, it helped Evie to face her fears knowing she could control it rather than viewing it as the cage she'd always found it to be.

Evie wasn't the only one showing progress: the training was finally starting to pay off for all of them and each of the others also began to steadily improve.

Hank had finally let go of enough of his doubts that easily beat Charles in his runs; and it made them proud that he was slowly accepting who he was. Alex too had finally managed – with some help from a rather risky but confident gamble on Charles's part that had involved a far less willing Hank – to get the hang of aiming his plasma blasts, now having 100% accuracy though he still needed help from Hank's gadget.

Lisa had told Evie and Raven all about it (accidentally revealing that she had occasionally spied on Alex's training sessions in doing so); but Alex hadn't minded. Although, from what Evie had observed between the pair over the last month (when she wasn't stressed or being a zombie), she doubted Alex would mind most things Lisa did. Which was rather sweet, in her opinion... especially since Alex was always more tolerable when he was around Lisa.

And finally, Sean too overcame his hesitance to spread his wings – literally.

That had been one of the most interesting and exhilarating moments to watch during their time training at Xavier mansion. Sean, convinced by Charles to try again, had allowed himself to be dragged atop the enormous satellite dish that sat in the middle of the Xavier grounds.

A curious Erik and Evie had followed while the others stayed back at the mansion to practice their own powers; and the pair had watched as Hank helped Sean set up his gear before the redhead took position at the edge of the dish, all of them standing at the highest point of the satellite dish while the rest of the dish dipped below them.

"And you truly believe I'll fly this time?" Sean asked shakily, unable to tear his eyes off from the ground far below.

"Unreservedly." Charles answered without missing a beat from where he stood beside the nervous redhead, while Evie and Erik watched with great interest from behind.

"I trust you." Sean began, and Charles replied smoothly, "I'm touched."

"I don't trust him." Sean finished flatly as he pointed at Hank, who started to protest but Charles held him back as he advised instantly, "Say nothing."

Sean took several more deep breaths as he stared down below in terror, before he yelped, "I'm gonna die!"

"Look," Charles said soothingly while Erik rolled his eyes, "we're not going to make you do anything you don't feel-"

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