Chapter 5 Growing Up

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The six young mutants sat just outside the ruined facility, quietly mourning even though hours had passed since the devastating incident.

Raven and Evie sat huddled close, needing the physical reassurance, and Raven also held tightly onto Hank's hand while Evie had her hand fisted tightly in her skirt. Lisa sat on her other side, her hand placed gently over Alex's while he sat with his elbows on his knees and his hands clasped tightly before him. Sean sat on his other side, offering support in his stoic and stubborn presence beside the blond who had initially wanted desperately to be alone.

It was clear Alex was beating himself up about what had happened to Darwin, but Lisa had refused to let him be alone. She and Sean stuck to his side like gum, and eventually - more out of tired resignation than anything else - he stopped turning them away. And as the guilt and regret ate away at him, wearing him down the more the hours went by, he eventually leant into their silent comfort and support. Not necessarily physically; but he didn't move when Lisa offered her sympathy with her hand over his.

And that was how the group remained, sitting in solidarity amongst the rubble and ignoring the CIA agents that had turned up early in the morning to assess the damage and report back to their superiors. The agents hadn't even tried to question them, and it was clear they were giving the mutants as wide a berth as the mutants wanted at that moment.

Any other time, it might have hurt; but today, they didn't were only two, maybe three, people the group cared to see at that moment, and anyone else could wait.


Evie looked up at Charles's call, as did the others (even Alex), while Raven stood up immediately to meet her foster brother as Charles came running up. He hugged his adoptive sister tightly, clearly relieved she was all right and Raven buried her face into his shoulder as she sought his familiar warmth.

Erik strode up behind his friend, the mutant's piercing blue eyes scanning the group quickly before looking up to give the destroyed facility a quick once-over as well. Moira was behind the taller man, similarly glancing at the younger mutants and at the torn buildings worriedly.

Evie only looked at Charles as he released Raven, saying to the group firmly, "We've made arrangements for you to be taken home immediately."

It had been the response they'd been expecting, and they were prepared to respond accordingly; and Sean started them off as he informed Charles firmly, "We're not going home."

"What?" Charles asked incredulously, but Sean continued flatly, "And he's not going back to prison."

Sean looked at Alex, before looking back at Charles determinedly.

"He killed Darwin." Alex explained curtly, but Charles answered grimly, "All the more reason for you to leave. This is over."

"It's not just about you anymore." Evie answered quietly, and Charles glanced at her. "You gathered us together; but we made the decision to come."

"And we should be allowed to make the decision to stay." Lisa finished, looking at Charles with an expression that spoke volumes more than they could ever describe in words.

Charles pursed his lips, but Raven murmured softly, "Darwin's dead, Charles."

Her tone became dejected as she added sorrowfully, "And we can't even bury him."

Alex, Sean, Lisa, and Hank lowered their heads while Evie gazed at Charles pleadingly. But they were all surprised when it was Erik who suddenly spoke up.

"We can avenge him."

They all turned to the man, startled, and Alex and Sean's faces becoming thoughtful while Evie frowned. Lisa looked torn, and Raven just looked startled as they all mulled over Erik's words differently.

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