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too lazy to correct shi so just remember she's like 20 and then 21

"I don't know what you see in him," Kuina spoke from beside me. "I'm honestly so confused. Why him, of all people?"

I shrugged as I kept my eyes on the man a few feet away from me. The way he laughs and licks his lip had me so mesmerized that I forgot I had someone with me.

"The heart wants what it wants, Kuina." I sighed and looked away before Niragi could catch me staring at him.

"I just don't want to see you cry for a boy, Hanabi. Specially not for a guy like him." She added.

Kuina tilted her head at me and motioned for me to eat my food. I shook my head to clear my thoughts before continuing to eat.

Chishiya's eyes flickered to my plate for a brief moment. He sat in front of Kuina and I, just eating his own food silently.

"What? You want this?" I asked motioning to the baked macaroni I had so much of. The one in charge of the food had a little thing for me so I always had more food than everyone here.

"It's already contaminated," Chishiya replied.

"With what?" Kuina spoke up with the same look I had on my face, confusion.

"Her," Chishiya nodded towards me before taking a bite out of his own food.

My confusion turned to irritation in a matter of seconds and I reached over to tug on his hoodie. Chishiya narrowed his eyes at me but didn't say anything more. He had that look in his eyes that would make anyone feel so small, but that doesn't really work on me.

"Keep looking at me like that and I'll take your eyes out." I widened my eyes for emphasis but Chishiya only found this amusing.

"It's adorable how you think you look threatening." Kuina voiced out as she tried to keep herself from grinning. "You're so tiny, you look as threatening as an angry kitten."

"Whatever. Eat it if you want or just throw it away, up to you. I'm heading up to my room." I stood before pushing my plate to Chishiya who tried not to let his excitement show as he slowly took my plate.

"Don't stay mad at us, kitten!" Kuina laughed she she waved at me goodbye. I rolled my eyes and smiled before leaving.

We've been.....comrades....for almost four weeks now. Chishiya, Kuina, and I are all executives. Kuina specializes in Spades whilst Chishiya and I specialize in Diamonds.

Even though Chishiya and I don't really get along, we stick around with each other since we had the same goal and that is to steal all the cards from the Beach.

It was risky and Chishiya didn't even want to trust me at first given the fact that I had taken an interest to a certain psychopath that always carried a gun.

During Hatter's meetings, Niragi's lustful gaze would usually rake over my body but he had never said anything to me so far. I wanted to go up to him but I was afraid of getting rejected. If he actually had an interest in me, he would have came up to me by now.

Kuina has been trying to set me up with different guys but none of them really affected me like Niragi. He was just so....different.

"You took another shower?" Chishiya raised an eyebrow at me, noticing the different bikini I had on. The look of judgment in his eyes made me want to punch him but that would only hurt my hands.

"Yes, I did. What's it to you?" I rolled my eyes and walked past him. There were times like this that I would just get annoyed just from seeing him open up his mouth.

"You're extra sensitive today." He commented. "Does it have to do with a certain someone sleeping around again?"

I stopped walking and turned on my heels to glare at him. Chishiya's lips curled and his eyes twinkled in amusement.

"You should really learn to shut your goddamn mouth, Shuntarou." I pointed a finger and narrowed my eyes at him. "I better not hear another word about this from you."

With that, I turned around and kept walking again. I don't know why he's being so annoying today and why I haven't seen Kuina in a while.

But usually at this time of the day, I would be at the bar already. Unlike Kuina and Chishiya, I sometimes loved to socialize. There were lots of benefits like gaining trust from other beach members and obtaining information as well as getting more free stuff from not so secret admirers.


I turned around and flashed a smile at Taiga, a hot 22-year-old guy that studied law back in the old world. He was actually just a friend and we hang out from time to time. Taiga is laidback and he could even be considered a genius.

"Vodka again?" I mused when I noticed the bottle he was holding.

"Yeah. Still no alcohol for you, missy!" Taiga laughed and poured a glass for himself but before he could drink from it, I took it and drank it in one go.

"What are you looking at?" I rolled my eyes at him as I held back a grin.

"You're underage!" He exclaimed like I didn't know that for myself already.

"I'm turning 21 anyway, what's the big deal?" I shrugged. Next week, I would be turning 21 and there weren't rules outside the games in the borderlands so I don't really see a problem.

Taiga sighed and shook his head at me, clearly not approving of my actions. "You should at least limit yourself. We don't want you getting taken advantage of."

"Yes, father." I said, emphasizing the second word with a grin.

Taiga rolled his eyes at me and downed another glass of straight vodka. We were having fun that is until a certain someone entered the room.

I looked up and stared at the only guy who seemed to have illegally captured my heart. He smirked as he scanned the room, obviously he was pleased to see all these hot girls around him.

For a moment, his eyes landed on me and I felt my breath hitch. Then he glanced at Taiga beside me before looking away.

I felt way too happy to be even considered normal. Even if it was just for a few seconds, the look he had in his eyes as he stared down at me burned in the back of my mind.

Apart from socializing, another reason why I kept going inside the bar is to be in the same room as Niragi. I know that I wasn't his type given the fact that I was so much more younger than he is. Still, I hoped that he'll finally start to see me as a woman by the time I officially turn eighteen. I'll make sure of it.

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