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That same night, Hatter called a meeting. Chishiya left the rooftop first and after a few seconds, Hanabi went after him as well. She felt like she was walking on clouds with every step she took and she had a dazed look on her face. Only one person in the room knew why.

Yet, Chishiya acted as if nothing ever happened between the two of them. She didn't mind. All she could even think of was how her heart still fluttered as the scene constantly repeats itself inside her head.

"Arisu, you're here!" She exclaimed, surprised to see the guy inside with them.

Then she remembered that he was a candidate on becoming one of them. But what she couldn't remember was whom she heard it from.

Hanabi smiled at him and gave him a little wave before taking her seat near the end of the table. She scanned the room and saw they were complete and she was actually the last one to join.

Niragi, from the other end of the table, glanced over at her and sent her a wink. It didn't surprise the others that much. The only one confused there was Arisu who had no idea of their background as he still haven't gathered much information.

When the meeting started, Hanabi laid her forehead on the table. She would rather sleep than listen to Hatter talk nonsense. Of course, she wasn't called out on her behavior. Hatter was oddly fond of her and she never knew why. It was an advantage, though. Hanabi didn't mind as long as he won't start acting like a creep.

The meeting ended when she finally raised her head up. As the others started to rise, she searched for Arisu.

"Hey, wait up!" She yelled out and ran after him.

"H-Hanabi.." Arisu stuttered, nervously glancing around for a certain psychopath who seemed to fancy her.

"Would you like to swim with me?" She asked with a grin and held onto his arm as they walked together.

"N-Now?" Arisu replied, not sure if he wanted to accept her invite or not.

"No, silly. Later when it's like 3am, let's meet up at the pool." She explained.

"O-Oh..." Arisu chuckled lightly. "Alright, then."

Hanabi grinned at him, "Great! See ya later!"

And with that, she walked off.

Kuina, who saw and heard the whole thing, followed her to where she went off to. She found the girl about to enter her room but before she could, Kuina placed a hand on her shoulder to stop her.

"Jeezus!" Hanabi exclaimed, holding a hand to her chest. "You scared me, Kuina."

"What's up with you and that new guy? I find it kind of fishy why you're always inviting him to hang out or something..." Kuina tilted her head and pointed at her with her fake cigarette. "Do you fancy him or are you planning to use him for something?"

"Gosh, Kuina. You make it seem like I'm a bad guy." Hanabi chuckled. "I just genuinely like the guy. Doesn't mean I like-like him, though. And no, I don't have some kind of hidden agenda."

Kuina slowly nodded at Hanabi. Unfortunately, Hanabi knew nothing of Chishiya's plan and as much as she wanted to tell her about it, she couldn't or else their plan will most likely be postponed again.

"But he is kind of cute, right? And he's super smart." Hanabi added. "Do you think it's alright to mess around with him for a bit?"

"Oh my God, what has Niragi done to you?" Kuina groaned and rubbed the sides of her forehead.

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