I cant take it anymore

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WARNING: THIS CHAPTER MAY CONTAINS VIOLENCE AND SUICIDAL SO IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT JUST WAIT FOR MY NEXT CHAPTER, which i will publish tomorrow afternoon (my timezone) and don't say i didn't warn ya.

Hinata's POV:

I woke up on my bed, then I realized that I've skip a whole day practice. I quickly get my phone and look at the time it's already 5 pm in the afternoon, I was stunned and can't move my body. Im afraid of what will they do to me tomorrow because I skipped the whole practice today. I was lost on my thought when suddenly the door of my dorm was burst open. I got scared and hid behind the curtains.

Kiyoko's POV:

Today's practice was over and I invite yachi to go to hinata to see how is he. "Hey yachi do you wanna see hinata?" I asked, "yes Kiyoko-San I would love to". After that we went to hinata's dorm.

When we open the door we heard a running sound, then we get in. " hinata-kun?" I ask but no one answer. "Hinata-kun?" I ask again but no one answer. "Hinata-kun we know your here, don't be scared were not going hurt you" said by yachi.

Then an orange hair boy come out behind the curtains, we look him in the eyes and we can tell that he is scared. We hug him and he didn't resist.

Hinata's POV:

When kiyoko-san and yachi-san hugged me I feel like a clean paper that is crumbled and tear in to pieces, of all the things I don't like is that getting pitted by others. but now I feel relieved and comfortable. While their hugging me I didn't notice that my tears starts to fall again. I started crying and they continue to comfort me.

After that they they leave my dorm and I was left alone in a dark cold emptiness that I would like to call my dorm.

Time skip~

Hinata's POV:

It's morning practice and I went to the gym I can feel the glares and disgust look toward me. "HEY HINATA! COME HERE YOU B*TCH" daichi-san called me, I run towards him but I can feel the fear in my body that is saying ran to the opposite way. I approach him "y-yes da-dachi-san?" I ask him in fear, " RUN AROUND THE CAMPUS 50 TIME WITHIN A HOUR OR ELSE!" he said while looking in me with a furious eyes, "b-but I didn't d-do a-anything" I said in fear while defending my self, "I DON'T CARE, JUST DO IT OR ELSE" he shouted that made the other team look and say "serve you right you b*itch" with a smirk on their face. I started running but before I come out daichi-san shouted "AFTER THAT 100 NO, 200 PUSH UPS OR ELSE" "H-Hai" that all I can say when I started running I felt tears in my face but I couldn't stop it.

3rd person POV:

After the training hinata went straight to his bed, he was exhausted and broken at the same time, he was going to sleep until the door of his door burst open, then a girl come in his dorm. It was Lexi " so how does it feel?" She asked, "wha-what are you talking about?" Hinata said, " how does It feel to be betrayed by the ones whom you love, what a pity. They believed me more than you, poor hinata" she said " s-so your the one who told them?!?!? Why would you do that to me?!?! What did I do to you?!?" He asked her with a teary eyes, " poor hinata, it's because I was jealous. All of their attention is on you so, I made a fake rumor about you and they believed me" she replied with a smirk. Hinata didn't reply because his mind got blank, after that may Lexi tapped his shoulder and said " poor hinata, I guess they loved me more than you" she smirk then she leaves the dorm. Hinata was still numb he didn't do anything he just cried then fall asleep.

Time skip~

Hinata's POV:

"I don't feel like going to practice today", he thought, "but if I don't they would beat me" he thought to him self. So he just push his self to attend the practice, when he got there he knew that he needs to do do the 50 time jog around sa campus and the 200 push ups so he started it.

Time skip~ (practice match between karasuno and nekoma)

3rd persons POV:

Hinata finished his laps and push ups and he's against nekoma, because of the laps and push ups, he was tired and not paying attention on the game. This made his team pissed so they call him and said " hey bitch go to the back of the gym later or else" "h-hai" hinata replied.

Time skip~ (after practice)

3rd person POV:

He was walking to the place where his team said and in his surprise the other team was there. "Wh-what do want?" He ask then kageyama come towards him and grab him by his collar "WHAT WAS THAT EARLIER?? YOU MADE US LOST!!!" He said "g-gomen" hinata said, then kageyama throw him to the ground then beat him out. the other team just joined the beat up because they just wanted to (except for kenma because he's not there and i think his busy playing his game in his dorm) all of them punch, kick, and spit on hinata. the poor boy can only cry while he was being beaten up by his so called friends. after that the boys got tired and go to their dorm, but before they leave. they look at hinata and said "just die" they all said in unison, then all of them leave the place.

all that is left is hinata. laying in the ground, tired and broken in the same time. though he is hurt he tried his best to stand and walk to he dorm to get some rest. 

time skip~

3rd person POV:

this continued for a week, all of the jogging, push ups and beating up continued for a whole week, this week make hinata's life like hell. one night he had enough he just wants to end his suffering, so he went to the top of nekoma high to jump and commit suicide. when he gets there he went to the edge of the building then he look up to the sky and looked at the stars. a small smile come out of his face and a tear in his left eyes. "I guess this is a goodbye" he was going to jump when someone call his name, he flinch and turn around revealing a pudding head boy (which is kenma). "shoyo please don't jump!" he said, but hinata just ignored him and raised his right leg forward. "please shoyo" he turned his head around and look at kenma "i'm sorry, kozume" he said while while giving him a small smile.

then he..............


hi guyss sorry for cutting it but what do you think happen next? does hinata's suicide was a sucess? what will kenma do? hehehe 


total words in the story: 1142 words

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