why did they believe her??

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Time skip to the day of training camp~ ( cause I'm just being lazy)

Hinata's POV:

We arrived at nekoma high at noon to be exact, and my teams still ignores me and have a disgust look at their face whenever I approach them. The only ones who still on my side was yachi and kiyoko-san. When we arrived I saw the captain of nekoma ( which is kuroo) and the setter of nekoma ( which is kenma). The captain of nekoma greeted us, while I ran toward to kenma to call him and hug him.

Kenma's POV:

I saw the bus of karasuno and well I dunno excited? Because I will have a chance to spend the whole training camp with my best friend/crush (which is shoyo btw). When he comes out he run towards me and hug me. I blush a little on what my crush did. He was asking me so many questions, but I answer them all with a smile.

3rd persons POV:

when lexi comes out of the bus, kuroo ask daichi "who is the new girl?" "oh her? she is our new manager, and her name is lexi" daichi reply. After that they went to the court to meet the other teams. Everyone greets hinata which made lexi jealous; she only wants the boys attention for herself only. After they greet hinata they went to practice, (oh did I mention that all of the boys in that court have a crush on hinata? Well except for karasuno because of that rumor). Hinata was so happy because he can be with his friends for the rest of the training camp. After the practice the coaches had an announcement. "alright kids, we will be having barbeque for dinner, think of it as a reward for your hard work today" coach nekomata said. "YEYY, WOHOOOO!!!!!" everyone was happy about this news.

Time skip~~

3rd persons POV:

Everyone were getting ready for the barbeque night when, they get to the place it was filled with smoke from the barbeque. The delicious aroma from that beef made the players drool. Everyone now is getting ready to take some beef.

Hinata's POV:

I was about to get some beef when someone tapped my shoulder, its Oikawa-san " Hi chibi-can~" "ow hi grand king, need something?" I ask him, "no I'm just going to get you some barbeque since you might get burn when get them" "ow ok thanks grand king" I thank him with a smile. After that the grand king sat beside me. We talk and talk and then I felt a tapped on my shoulder, I turned around and I saw kuro with a plate of vegetable "hey chibi-chan eat some vegetable to, so you grow big and strong as me" " o-ow o-ok thanks kuroo-san" then I heard bokuto shouting " HEY HEY HEY! MY STUDENT EAT SOME MORE BEEF!" "o-ow thanks bokuto-san but I think I had enough" I said while smiling to him. After that the other players was surrounding me and I have a talk to them to, well of course except for karasuno.

Lexi saw all of it, she's a bit angry and jealous of all the attention that they give to hinata. So she make another rumor about hinata.

3rd persons POV:

After the barbeque they went straight to their dorms, hinata was so happy and went to bed.

Time skip~ (its morning)

Hinata's POV:

Hinata woke up and do his morning routine, after that he went to the gym for their morning practice. When he got there he said " OHAYOO EVERYONE!!" but everyone just look at him with a disgust look. "What happened" he ask to himself. Then he went to them to ask them what the matter. " hey every what happened" he ask. The guys look at him furiously and said "WHAT THE HECK MAN!!" they said in unison, " w-what?" I ask them "SO YOUR JUST PLAYING WITH OUR FEELINGS HUH" Oikawa said, he pushed me that makes me go fall down. "w-what d-did i-I d-do?" I ask them with fear, "WHAT DID YOU DO?? SO NOW ACTING LIKE NOTHING HAPPENED HUH" kuroo said while he kicked me on the guts. "YOU DO KNOW THAT WE ALL LOVE YOU AND NOW WHAT? PLAY WITH OUR FEELINGS?" kuroo said to me while still kicking me on my stomach, "w-what?" I said while kuro kicking me, I look at bokuto-san with a look like saying you believe e right it's not true. Then he just look at me with a disgusted look and said " just die" then akaashi-san show up and said " pathetic , you played with our feelings and now this" then he kick me and punch me on the ground. The other do the same even my team did it. I just stay there and cry.

Kenma's POV:

I was walking toward the gym with yachi and kiyoko when we heard yelling from the gym then we rash toward there to see what happened. We saw the other boys hitting hinata, we quickly ran toward them and stop them " WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING TO HIM!?!??!!?" I yell at them. They just reply me with a tsk and continue to practice "yachi, kiyoko- san take hinata to his dorm and treat his wounds" I said to them. Then yachi and kiyoko san stand up and nodded at me then take hinata to his dorm. I rushed toward to kuroo and ask him what happened " WHY THE HECK ARE YOU BEATING HINATA UP????" he sighed and said "we heard that hinata already knows our feeling towards him and play with feelings" "and where the heck did you heard that from" I ask him with a one eye brow up, "from lexi" he replied. I look at him with a disappointed look and said "you believe a girl that you barely know than hinata that you knew for months? Pathetic".

I get out off the gym then head toward to hinata's room I saw yachi and kiyoko sitting beside hinata's bed and hinata on his bed sleeping. I told yachi and kiyoko-san why did the boys do that to hinata, at first they went furious at lexi but I stop them, then they calm down.

we went to the gym for the practice and I tell the coaches that hinata won't be joining today's practice due to dizziness and headaches. Then I glare at my team and the other team but they just ignore me.   


wow 1081 words HAHAHAHAHAHHA, thanks for reading my book, i think i can update this book every day but not now cause we will be having exams i have to study. but don't worry my new update won't take a week so don't worry i just love to make some fanfiction, ow and btw i'm making a new book so please read it when i publish it, i guarantee that you will feel hearth break, excitement with my new book hehehe.  

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