Ch. 9 "Heart of darkness part 1"

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                                                       Kai POV 

                                       Enchanted forest, 

One tavern at a time I looked for papa, me and the lass separated after her and the prince parted ways, 

So I was back into my search, after having a few drinks myself at the tavern, 

I was stumbling, stumbling through the forest to go to the next town, 

"Bloody hell," I mumbled as I stumbled 

I was a mess between trying to find Papa, and failing at every turn, 

Suddenly I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder which resulted in me pinning them to a tree and having my sword to their throat, 

My eyes meet the Prince's, 

"Bloody hell are you crazy? you should know better than to sneak up on a pirate," I said releasing him, 

"Kai we need your help," He said 

I look to see another woman with him, 

I arched my brow, 

How do I always get dragged into these situations, 

A flaming arrow was about to hit where we set up a rest spot, 

" Red, look out!" Charming said 

 (Prince Charming deflects the arrow with his sword. They then see King George and his men riding towards them.) 

" We need to move. They found us." Charming said  

(The three  of us run towards Prince Charming's horse. He gets on, and then extends his hand to her. However, she refuses.) 

" Go. I'll take care of them." Red said  

" Red, I'm not leaving you." Charming said  

"Find Snow. That's all that matters. Find her!" Red said 

I get on behind him, 

"What are you going to do?" He asked  

(Red looks up and sees that it's a full moon.) 

" I'm giving you a head start." Red said 

Time Skip 

(In the forest, Me and Prince Charming gets off his horse to check the tracks in the snow. He draws his sword and follows them, eventually coming to the naked knight that Snow White attacked earlier.) 

"Put your hands where I can see them." Charming said  

(The knight turns around, only covered by the helmet he's holding.) 

" Uh, on second thought, don't. " Charming said 

"Was that a joke?" I said smirking at him

(Prince Charming throws him a blanket.)

" Who did this?" Charming asked

" She's crazy. She had a pick axe. She threatened to skin me." The Knight said 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2021 ⏰

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