Ch. 4 "The Thing you love most Part 2"

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The Enchanted Forest

I was furious I wanted nothing more than to rip the head off that Crocodile but I couldn't Snow and Charming would scold me for killing him I needed to cool off, but there was no water for a few hours walk so I did the next best thing... the forest,

I walked a good few feet away from the castle there was this nice clearing that Snow showed me, Leaves were scattered along the ground as I lay down on my back my hands behind my head,

I walked a good few feet away from the castle there was this nice clearing that Snow showed me, Leaves were scattered along the ground as I lay down on my back my hands behind my head,

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I looked up at the night sky, the stars were shinning tonight as it scattered around like fireflies there's a few people I would like to share this with and they're not here,

Maybe the Crocodile's right I'm not a hero hell, I'm not even a bloody villain I'm... in between sure I helped Snow and Charming take their castle back, but I was willing to kill those who stood in our way because it was rightfully theirs,

I mean I loved someone and I lost him I lost Papa, Mama....everyone I have ever cared about, I thought

"What are you doing out here?" A voice said from above me, I looked up to see Charming standing next to me,

"I could ask you the same thing," I said

He laid next to me, "Kai, what are you doing out here?" He asked

I shrugged, "Thinking," I said

"About?" He asked

"What's up with you and the lass? Always wondering what's going on," I said

"you're deflecting," He said

I sighed, "I went to see the Crocodile," I said

"You what!? Kai, please tell me you didn't kill him?" He said

"Calm down, your royal highness, I did nothing of the sort but I wanted to so many times he knew where Papa is but he refused to tell me unless he's released," I said

"You didn't-" He said

I held my hand up, "No one thing I know is to not strike deals with the devil it's just the thing he said to me that got me thinking," I said

"What did he say?" Charming said looking at me concerned

"He says that you and Snow are the heroes of this story meaning you've got you're happy ending sure I've been with you guys for the war but I've killed what would that make me? The hero? or the villain? I lost both my parents, so I'm heading more towards the latter," I said

"Hey," He said I turned my head to look at him,

"You may have killed in the past but that doesn't justify who you are now, you're a hero Kai if I was your father i'd be immensely proud of you I'm sure he is I promise that I will help you look for your father no child should be away from their parent," He said

I chuckled "You two are completely different probably would have thought you were some sort of pansy, no offense," I said

He chuckled "None taken,"

We were quiet for a while "Thank you," I said

"What for?" He asked

"For everything you and Snow have done for me, I really don't know where I would be if it wasn't for you two," I said

He smiled "A sincere thank you from a pirate, never thought that would happen in a million years," He said

I grabbed a handful of leaves and threw it at him " Shut up, you twit now go to your wife and be with her," I said

"She's asleep," He said

I face palmed myself "I don't bloody care I will castrate you here and now if you don't go to her," I said

He chuckled as he got up, "You're a villain" He joked

"Go," I laughed

I let out a happy sigh as I wrapped behind my head I might have lost Papa and Mama but I sure have great friends,

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