Ch. 7 " Snow Falls Part 3"

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Enchanted Forest


I walked to the nearest tree, When I know he wasn't in view I hid behind it I saw Snow punching him before pushing him in the water, she grabbed her necklace and ran towards me, "Let's go!" She yelled

"Right behind you las!" I yelled after her

I turned around to see if he was following us but all I could see was him struggling to get out of the water his head wasn't above it as he sank I stopped, Bloody hell, damn code, I thought

Snow noticed I wasn't following "Come on, Kai!" She yelled

I held my hand up, "I'll meet you at the cottage!" I said

I didn't give her another look before I ran towards the river diving in before swimming towards Charming his I see his hand above the water then sink I dove under the water swimming towards him I wrapped my arm around him and began pulling us up I began sucking in air as I pulled us to shore he wasn't moving an inch so I punched his chest that was enough for him to couch up water,

His eyes fluttering open, surprised to see me standing above him, "You saved me," He said confused

"I may be a pirate, but I was taught to not kill those who are innocent," I panted

"You threatened to kill me this afternoon," He said

"Yeah, threatened if you know what's good for you, don't follow me," I said

I ran into the woods before he could get up I followed Snow's tracks but sided to a stop, crap she's surrounded

the Guard slammed snow into the tree I took my sword out and was about to attack but I felt a hand on my shoulder I turned to swipe my sword but stopped when it was Charming,

He raised his hands up, "It's just me," He said

"I told you not to follow me," I said

"You can't take them on your own, you're outnumbered," He said

"You'd be surprised," I said with a smirk before throwing my sword at the guard about to stab Snow,

I ran to them the guard drew his sword and was about to swipe I slid under his swing before taking my sword from the corps I heard clanking and saw Charming fighting with the other guard I turned in time to block the other guard with my weapon he swung at me again but I blocked it away with his sword pointed to the ground, I elbowed him in the face, Charming swiped the guard under his feet and we both looked up to see the last guard taking away,

"Snow!" I yelled I went to run but Charming grabbed my arm

"I know a shortcut," He said

I ran after him as he grabbed the bow from the horse we ran up the small hill Charming got a good view of the horseman before notching an arrow once he got a good shot, he let the arrow fly the arrow knocked the guard off the horse, so that allowed Snow to climb up and ride towards us,

I wrapped my free arm around her, "Gave me quite the scare there, lass," I said

"Are you alright?" Charming asked

"You... you saved me," Snow panted she got this look on her face when she saw him I know that look all too well it's the same look wenches gave Papa

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