Ch. 3 "The Thing you love most"

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                                                            Enchanted Forest

Ever since we escaped the Queens castle I've been with Charming and Snow, 

According to the drunk in the tavern, the last time someone has seen Papa was kind Midas' land now knowing my Papa, he could be on his ship passing down the sea to king Philip's land or he could be at amy tavern with the crew, 

I sighed as I marked another Red X on a possible location, 

"Kai?" I heard Snow's sleepy voice, 

I looked up from my map, "Sorry, love didn't mean to wake you," I said 

She noticed the map on the table, "Any leads?" she said 

I sighed as I dropped the pen, "The last time someone has seen him, he was in King Midas' land bit its hard guys got a lot of bloody taverns and open water he could be anywhere," I said 

She gave me a sad smile "You're going to find him," She said 

"I know I'm going to bloody find him we always find each other," I said 

"Maybe you should sleep, with the Evil Queen and the curse..." Snow said 

I glared "Papa is somewhere out there probably looking for me I can't be distracted if I want to din him.." I said 

"I know you do Kai maybe you should ask.." Snow said 

"No way in bloody hell am I asking the crocodile for help it's bad enough it's bad enough I can't kill him after everything he's done now you want me to ask him for help, No way," I said 

She sighed "He might know where your father is," I didn't say anything as I made another mark on the map, "At least rest you can't really find your father if you're fighting sleep," She said 

I groaned dropping the pen and running my fingers through my messy hair, "Fine if it'll put your mind at ease," I said 

she pulled me up "Trust me you'll find him," She said 

we walked towards the room she's letting me stay in after everything we went through  she's still letting me stay with her lass has a good heart, 

"I'll see you in the morning," She said 

"We'll maybe not the morning it is you're honeymoon after all," I said 

She laughed before she left the other direction I waited till she was gone, I walked down the corridor 

I need to have a little chat with a Crocodile, I thought 

End Enchanted Forest 

Story Brooke

I was currently sitting at Granny's eating pancakes as Ruby sat across from me, 

"So let me get this straight you stole from gold and he still doesn't know it was you?" Ruby said laughing 

"Yup, the funny part is I did it while he was sleeping," I said smirking 

"Oh kid your something else," Ruby said 

"Why thank you," I said smiling 

then I see Henry rush in, with a huge smile 

"Did you see the clock tower last night?" He asked me 

"It moved the screws finally decided to work," I said 

"Exactly the curse is weakening the final battle's going to begin soon you'll get you're memories back," He said 

I sighed, 

I'm sitting with Henry when A blonde woman walked up to us, 

"Emma Swan," She said holding out her hand, 

"Casey," I said 

"Casey what?" She said 

"Just Casey," I said 

to tell you the truth I'm an orphan I live on survival, I have no one but that is why I babysit Henry he's my best friend along with Ruby, 

The Enchanted Forest

After charging my way past the guards I went down in the dungeon my scowl was kept on my face when I heard the giggles of that crocodile he always have something to giggle about doesn't even have to be funny, 

"Two visits in one day my luck must be turning," he snickered even more "Now who might you be dearie," he said 

I glared at him as I removed my hood He got even more giddy as he clapped his hands "Kai Jones now this is a big surprise," He said 

"I'm not here for chit chat," I said 

"You want to know where your father is-" He said 

"You know I do and I know that you know where he is," I said 

"I do," He said smiling 

"Where is he?" I said 

He giggled "If you want to find your precious daddy lets make a deal release me and I will be happy to show you where he is," He said 

I scoffed, "I knew it you and your ridiculous deals," I got my sword out and pointed it at him, "I should just kill you newer problems would be over and the Dark One will no longer be," I said 

"But you can't not without upsetting the newlyweds because you and I both know that they believe in happy endings if you kill me that would make you a villain and we both know villains don't get happy endings," He said 

"My happy ending won't happen until you're gone," I said 

"Someone's not thinking clearly you helped the heroes in their story they got their happily ever after you didn't which brings the question are you the hero or the villain?" He said 

I used my sword closer to his neck, "I know what you're doing, Crocodile I won't be manipulated like that I wasted my time coming here I should have known you would try to strike a deal out of me and if my Papa has taught me something it's to not strike deals with a demon," I said 

I turned around and made my way towards the entrance my hand was on the doorknob before I looked back at him, 

"You can rot in here for the rest of eternity," I said 

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