Ch. 6 "Snow Falls Part 2"

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                                                                  The Enchanted Forest

This is really boring not to mention a waste of time, we're risking our lives... for a prince you could understand why I don't like royals Always wanting to take everything that's not theirs and making everything about them, I thought as we walked 

We've been walking for hours I walked ahead because I really don't want a conversation with the royal prat, I thought, 

"I thought you weren't the jewelry type, what's that around your neck?" I heard him ask

"Don't worry about it," Snow said I turned back to see him taking snow's necklace "Carful it's a weapon," Snow said 

"What? Dust? What kind of weapon is dust? " He said I rolled my eyes before walking around, 

"When it come from a good fairy, this stuff is deadly it transforms the most fearsome of adversaries into a form that's easily squashed" Show said 

"They why didn't you use it on me?" He asked 

"Cause you're not worth it mate," I said 

I said leaning against a tree crossing my arms, 

"She doesn't like me very much does she?" He said 

"Nope," I said 

We started walking again,

"It's because you pulled us off our main goal as for this stuff, it's very hard to come by I'm saving if for a special someone," Snow said 

"Ah the queen, you got a lot of anger there, don't you snow?" He said 

"Those charges on her posters are lies, didn't stop her from sending her huntsman to rip out my heart," She said 

"What happened?" he asked 

"Well not everyone is a soulless royal, he took pity on me and let me go I've been hiding in the forest ever since trying to amass enough fortune to leave this place escape to another realm- somewhere isolated, where I can never be hurt," He said 

"And where does she fit in?" He asked 

I stopped turned to them, "I guess you could say we found each other," I said 

"That's convenient,"He said 

"Do we have a problem, Prince?" I asked 

"No, just you seem a little young to be by yourself, where's your father?" He asked 

I glared back at him, 

"Don't know got separated after I got locked up," I said 

He opened his mouth to speak but I just shook my head before walking ahead, "I'm sorry to hear that," He said 

I didn't need to run around to know Snow's shaking her head "He's a touchy subject for her so unless you want your tongue cu off I suggest you don't ask questions about him she's with me until we part ways after that we won't see each other again," She said 

"Sounds lonely," He said 

"No lonelier than an arranged marriage," She said 

"At least I don't prey on the innocent," He said It's hard to tune out their flirting I swear they flirt like teenagers, 

"Up until now, I've only ever stolen from the queen I thought your carriage was one of her no one else ever uses that road," She said 

"I took the scenic route," He said 

"Well, lucky for us, All I'm doing charming is what it takes to survive she wants me dead," Snow said Snow glanced at me and I made a gesture for her to get rid of him 

"So... what  did you do to incur that much wrath?" He said 

"She blames me for ruining her life," Snow said 

"Did you?" He asked 

"Yes," She said we continued walking for a bit until we came across a river Snow gave me a nod, "I'm thirsty, may I?" She said 

Charming Nodded, "Sure," He said I took that as my cue to leave "And where do you think you're going?" He asked 

I turned around," Nature calls, or does that not please his royal highness," I said 

"Make it quick," he said 

"Don't tell me what to do," I said 

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