Tale From The SMP: 1521, The Witch, pt.1

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The young man opens his eyes. The sun strikes and blinds him for a moment. He raises his hand across his forehead to create a shadow over his eyes. He quickly gets use to the brightness around him and the hand that was on his forehead is now going through his fluffy brown hair.

He looks around and realizes he's surrendered by trees. He looks down at his feet and he can recognize his purple sweater. He touches the familiar fabric wondering where he knows it from. He can't remember.

Suddenly, he hears a young girl screaming. He doesn't think twice and runs in direction of the painful noise. The more he runs, the more he can feel the fear in the little girl's scream. After a few seconds, he can smell bread, soft, sweet bread. He now realizes how hungry he is, but it has to wait, the little girl is still screaming. He's getting closer, what seemed like a scream turns into a cry for help and he may have forgotten a lot, but he knows what fear is.

-Help! Let me go! The noises that come out of her mouth are frightening.

He finally arrives in what seems a little town. In the middle in standing a huge pile of wood surrendered by people. He pushes the people to make is way to the middle of the town; where the screams come from. And he finally spots the little girl with two grown up man holding her. She's putting all her energy trying to be free.

-Let her go! He yells.

The whole town that was chanting something get quite. Even the little girl, breathless, stop screaming and fighting. The silence is heavy.

The smallest of the two mans turns around. And walk toward the voice he heard. The other man that has a fox fur on his back holds the girl.

-Who the fuck just said that?! Asks the small man with a hat on his head.

-Me. The young man walk toward the beanie boy.

-And who the fuck are you? He looks at him weird, he realizes how weird his cloths are.

-I'm— I'm Karl. He remembered his name as he said it.

-Karl, what kind of name is that?

We can hear the whole town whisper around them.

-Who's that? Says one.

-What is that bright shirt? Ask another.

-How did he make it? Wonder the dressmaker of the town.

Karl looks around, he realizes that he clearly doesn't fit here.

-I'm from... far... way... but it doesn't matter, what are you doing to this poor lady?!

-Oh, this poor lady here? Says the furry man throwing her on the ground.

The second her knees touch the floor Karl can already see blood flowing down her leg.

-What is wrong with you?!

The young man goes towards the girl to help her up but two other man, one with a dark cape with hints of red and the other one has a white headband. 

-As I was saying... Continues the fox man, this poor girl is a witch!

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