Chapter 8 - First gathering

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It was a long walk to Fourtrees, but RiverClan had arrived. Featherpaw and Stormpaw's first gathering! Silverstream thought proudly. Her son and daughter had been made apprentices a moon after Mistyfoot's kits, Reedpaw, Perchpaw, Primrosepaw, and Pikepaw.

Mistyfoot was Stormpaw's mentor, while Featherpaw's mentor was... Leopardfur. The two were eager to learn everything they could, and Mistyfoot was ready to teach them, while Leopardfur was distant. Featherpaw didn't notice this at all, and most of the time Mistyfoot was taking on both apprentices.

"Silverstream, I'm so excited!" exclaimed Featherpaw, bouncing up and down beside her mother. Silverstream smiled at her daughter. "I'm glad. Now go find Mistyfoot!"

Featherpaw nodded, and bounced away to join the blue-gray she-cat and her brother. Silverstream watched as the brother and sister walked side by side. Featherpaw was like an image of Silverstream, while Stormpaw was one of Graystripe. Oh Graystripe, how I long for you. Silverstream thought sadly. If only fate had let them live in the same Clan.

RiverClan was the first clan to arrive at the gathering, but the other Clans arrived quickly after, and Fourtrees became very crowded. Silverstream stretched her head out to look for Graystripe, but didn't see a gray-furred ThunderClan tom anywhere. Graystripe, where are you?

Featherpaw's pov

Oh my StarClan this is so, so awesome! Featherpaw thought excitedly. She was padding around with her best friend, Primrosepaw.

"Let me introduce you to a few cats!" Primrosepaw meowed. "How about we meet Gorsepaw? He's from WindClan. His mentor is Onewhisker!"

"Okay!" Agreed Featherpaw, bouncing happily. She was already meeting cats from other Clans!

They wove around cats, big and small, and finally arrived in front of a muscular brown tabby tom, standing behind a taller pale brown cat.

"Hey Gorsepaw!" Primrosepaw called out. The tabby tom turned around, quickly said a few words to the older tom, and started towards the two she-cats. "Hi Primrosepaw!" He greeted.

Primrosepaw smiled. "This is Featherpaw." She pushed the silver she-cat forward. Featherpaw stared into Gorsepaw's green eyes. "Hi," he said shyly, ducking his head. Featherpaw's pelt felt hot. "H-hello," She stuttered. Primrosepaw giggled loudly.

Featherpaw gave her friend a swift kick and Primrosepaw yelped. "Um, so, who's mentoring you?" Gorsepaw asked.

"Mistyfoot- I mean Leopardfur!" Featherpaw replied, flustered. Gorsepaw's eyes lit up. "Wow, that's cool! You have the deputy as your mentor!" He exclaimed. Featherpaw licked her chest fur embarrassedly, but was secretly glad that Gorsepaw was impressed. "So, your mentor is Onewhisker, right?" She asked.

"Yep," Gorsepaw answered. "He's the best warrior I know," He said proudly. Featherpaw smiled at him shyly. "I bet he is. I bet you'll be like him one day." Gorsepaw looked embarrassed. "T-thanks." He meowed. They stared awkwardly at each other for a few moments.

"Well, me and Featherpaw will be leaving now." Primrosepaw said loudly, breaking the silence. "Nice meeting you, Gorsepaw."

"Nice meeting you. It was really nice meeting you, Featherpaw." He replied, glancing at Featherpaw. The silver she-cat avoided his gaze and mumbled, "You too." With one last lingering look into Gorsepaw's leaf-green eyes, Primrosepaw whisked her friend away. "Featherpaw, he totally likes you!" She exclaimed loudly. Featherpaw kicked her again, causing Primrosepaw to yelp. "Keep your voice down, and he does not!" She whispered with embarrassment.

Primrosepaw rolled her eyes. "You guys are total lovebirds." She meowed stubbornly. Then lowered her voice, "What, are you two going to start meeting in secret? I won't tell!" Featherpaw gave her a cuff around the ear, and Primrosepaw giggled.

Featherpaw turned around, rolling her eyes. She caught the eye of a thick-furred gray ThunderClan tom. He held the stare for a heartbeat, then turned away. Featherpaw froze. "Featherpaw?" She heard a voice say.

Amber eyes. His amber eyes.

Why do they seem so familiar?

Hope everyone liked that chapter! How did everyone like the chapter in Featherpaw's pov? And how do you guys like the Gorsepaw and Featherpaw ship? Anyways hope you enjoyed, and stay tuned for the next chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2021 ⏰

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