Chapter 3 - Meeting at Fourtrees

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        As Silverstream returned to camp, Mistyfoot greeted her at the entrance. "Silverstream, where were you-" Mistyfoot was cut off by her gasp. She stared at the kits that Silverstream was holding. "Are those your KITS?!" she asked loudly. "Yes. They are," Silverstream replied proudly. She set them down.  "Aren't they beautiful?"

        Mistyfoot purred. "Of course! What are their names?" 

        "Featherkit and Stormkit," Silverstream replied. "Featherkit for the she-cat," she pointed at Featherkit with her tail. "And Stormkit for the tom," she pointed to Stormkit.

        "That suits them perfectly! Featherkit because of her plumy tail, and St-"

        "Mistyfoot. I have something to tell you about them."

        "Okay, then tell me,"

        "We need to go somewhere where no one will hear us,"

        Mistyfoot's whiskers twitched in amusement. "Why so secretive?" She nudged Silverstream playfully. "Mistyfoot, you need to take this seriously!" Silverstream meowed in annoyance. Wait until she hears what I have to say, Silverstream thought. She won't find that so amusing! 

        "Okay, okay. Calm down Silverstream!" the blue-gray queen meowed. "Let's talk in the nursery. Me, you and Greenflower are the only queens, and Greenflower's out for a walk." She stood up, and beckoned Silverstream with her tail. "Come on."

        Silverstream and Mistyfoot walked across the clearing, each holding a kit, and entered the nursery. Silverstream settled down in her nest with her kits, and Mistyfoot lay down in hers. "Okay, now that we're here, can you tell me?" Mistyfoot asked. 

        "Well, it's about the kits' father..."

        "Yeah? What about it?"

        "Um, he's not actually from RiverClan...?"

        Mistyfoot widened her eyes. She shook her head. "Sorry, I don't think I heard you clearly," she meowed. "What were you saying?" Silverstream sighed. "The father of the kits is Graystripe from ThunderClan." Mistyfoot's jaw gaped in disbelief. "SILVERSTREAM! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?! TAKING A THUND-" Mistyfoot was cut off by Silverstream's shushing. "Shh! Keep it down! Do you want the whole Clan to know?" she whispered angrily. "Oh yeah, sorry," Mistyfoot apologized. "What were you thinking? Taking a ThunderClan cat as a mate?" she whispered. 

        "I just really love Graystripe, okay? Enough to break the warrior code," Silverstream whispered back. Mistyfoot sighed. "Oh, Silverstream, Silverstream. You're a smart cat, but sometimes you do some minnow-brained things you know?" 

        "Hey! I'm not minnow-brained!"

        "I'm kidding!" Mistyfoot meowed playfully. "I knew you had a thing for that silly gray tom!" Silverstream started to protest, but Mistyfoot started meowing again. "But don't worry. I'm your best friend. I'll support you no matter what." Silverstream purred. "Okay. Well there's one more thing. I'm meeting Graystripe tonight at Fourtrees, so take care of my kits while I'm out, okay?" 

        "Sure, but I don't have a good feeling about this. What if you get caught?"

        Silverstream had thought about this, but wasn't really worried about it. "Well, who goes to Fourtrees at night unless it's a Gathering, right?" Silverstream pointed out. "Yeah. I guess you have a point." Mistyfoot replied. "But still, be careful, okay?"



        Silverstream crept out of the entrance. She wasn't worried, because she had an excuse to be out. If any cat saw her walking, she would tell them she came out because she wanted some fresh air. After telling Mistyfoot about her secret, she and Mistyfoot decided to announce it to Crookedstar, who would announce it to the Clans. Now, every cat in RiverClan knew about Featherkit and Stormkit. 

        Feeling excited, Silverstream ran as fast as she could, following the path to Fourtrees. As she arrived she open her jaws, to take in the scents of Fourtrees, searching for a specific one. Graystripe! He's here! she thought as the scent she was looking for hit her. She looked around but saw no sign of a gray pelt. "Graystripe?" she called out. "Graystripe? Where are you? Grayst-"

        Suddenly, a cat charged at her. She yowled in surprise and fell, the cat pinning her down. Silverstream looked up and saw Graystripe. "Gotcha!" he said his eyes glinting with mischief. Silverstream purred. "You scared me, you mouse-brain! Now let me go!" Graystripe stayed put, still pinning her down. "Who's going to make me?" he meowed. Silverstream heaved herself up, and pounced on Graystripe. Graystripe shook her off, and the two started play-fighting. 

        Fighting Graystripe, Silverstream suddenly heard a rustling noise. Was that a cat? she thought, and stopped fighting. "Graystripe, stop!" she whispered. "I think there's a cat here!" Graystripe stopped as well, and sniffed the air. "I don't smell any cat." the gray tom meowed. "It was probably just the wind." Then, Graystripe pulled away from Silverstream. "Bet you can't catch me! Probably too slow from eating all that fish!" Silverstream started to purr, but stopped when she heard a voice. 


        Silverstream turned around. "Leopardfur?"

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