Chapter 7 - Graystripe's thoughts

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After a long time, I've decided to continue updating this fanfic again! I wanted to thank these wonderful readers (they will be tagged in the comments) —>

Once again, thank you, and I hope you enjoy this short chapter!

It's been six moons since Featherkit and Stormkit have been born, Graystripe thought. He hadn't seen them in ages. Silverstream and Graystripe had decided it would be best to not meet each other anymore. After all, their secret had been found out by RiverClan. Thankfully, the clan hadn't mentioned the situation at any of the gatherings. Although he could tell many RiverClan cats were giving the ThunderClan toms wary looks. They seem to know that the father of the kits was ThunderClan, but they didn't know who exactly it was. It would be more safe if Silverstream and Graystripe stopped meeting up.

It's also a full moon night, He remembered. He stared at the glowing moon, in the full moon phase. Which means a gathering. Featherkit and Stormkit must be Featherpaw and Stormpaw now! Will I see them at the gathering? He wondered.

Suddenly, he felt a sharp prod. He turned to see Fireheart. "You're thinking about the kits aren't you," Fireheart murmured. "You're wondering whether or not you'll see them." Fireheart can read me like the back of his paw.

"Yes." Graystripe admitted reluctantly. "Will they be apprentices? What will they look like? Have they grown?" Fireheart sighed. "I get how you feel. Just- try not to think to much about it, okay?" He meowed.

"Alright," Graystripe muttered. How would Fireheart understand? He doesn't know how it feels not being able to see your kits every day. He looked at his flame-coloured friend and saw the anxious look in his face. Graystripe immediately felt bad for thinking that way. Fireheart was just worried for him. "Thanks Fireheart," Graystripe meowed with a small smile. Fireheart grinned, "It's what best friends do for each other, right?" He said.

"Hey Fireheart!" Graystripe heard Sandstorm's voice meow. Fireheart and Graystripe turned around, and Graystripe saw his friend's eyes immediately light up. If only Silverstream was around for Graystripe's eyes to light up. He nudged Fireheart. "I'm going so you can have some alone time with Sandstorm," He whispered. Fireheart glanced at him gratefully, and Graystripe walked away with a wink.

As Graystripe stood near the entrance to camp, he watched wistfully as Fireheart and Sandstorm stood together smiling shyly at each other, their flanks brushing. Oh Silverstream. I miss you so much... Graystripe was pulled out of his thoughts as he heard Bluestar call, "ThunderClan! Time to go to the gathering!"

It was time to face his kits.

If Silverstream lived... A Graystripe and Silverstream FanficWhere stories live. Discover now