Chapter 5 - A secret revealed

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        "Mama! Mama!" Silverstream opened her eyes. Featherkit? she thought. She turned, and saw Featherkit and Stormkit being clawed and scratched at. They mewled in agony. "My kits!" Silverstream screeched. She ran toward them, but they just kept getting further and further. Silverstream kept running until she felt no air under her paws. She looked down. Help! I'm falling! Silverstream kept falling, and heard her kits' cries, but could do nothing about it. "Mama!"

        The silver she-cat woke up with a start. She looked around, and saw Graystripe beside her, fast asleep. She breathed a sigh of relief. It was all a dream, she thought, relieved. Her kits were back at camp, safe, with Mistyfoot. 

        She nudged Graystripe. "Graystripe," she whispered. "Graystripe," she whispered, louder than before. Graystripe turned over and let out a long snore. "Graystripe!" Silverstream yelled into his ear. Graystripe's eyes flew open. "What? Is there a fox? What's wrong?" Silverstream's whiskers twitched in amusement. "Nothing's wrong. I wanted you to wake up."

        "Hey! I was in the middle of a dream!" Graystripe meowed. "Well, you can't sleep all day," Silverstream meowed and batted his ear playfully. "You need to go back to camp, and I need to go too. The kits need me," Silverstream meowed thinking about her dream. She shook her head. It was just a dream. Just a dream. she thought.

        She stood up. "Come on Graystripe!" she meowed. "But what about Leopardfur?" he said anxiously. 

        "Let's talk about that later. Come on!"

        "What if Crookedstar finds out?"

        "I said, worry about that later!"

        "Well, what will you do?"

        Weird, Graystripe seems more worried than usual... Silverstream thought. Well I guess it makes sense, since our secret will be revealed soon... "Okay, fine! I don't know what I'll do okay!" the silver she-cat said, frustrated. "Can we just go back to camp?" 

        Graystripe looked anxiously at Silverstream. Silverstream looked away. "I'm sorry... am I bothering you?" Graystripe asked. Silverstream sighed. "It's just that you seem so anxious and worried and you keep asking me questions I don't know how to answer!" she cried. She looked down at her paws. 

        The gray tom rested his tail on his mate's back. "Silverstream, it's all my fault. I just don't want you to get hurt if everybody finds out about our secret. I'm sorry." Graystripe meowed. He licked her head and Silverstream looked up. "Let's go." he said.

        Silverstream purred. "Okay. Thanks Graystripe." Graystripe smiled and licked her one last time. "Take care okay? I'll see you at the next Gathering." Silverstream nodded and raced away.


        Silverstream finally arrived at camp, very exhausted from running. She crept into the nursery and saw Mistyfoot and Greenflower, still sleeping. But when Silverstream settled into her nest, Mistyfoot woke up. 

        "Hmm? Oh, Silverstream! You're back!" Mistyfoot meowed. "Shh! Keep it down!" Silverstream whispered. Mistyfoot rolled her eyes. "Okay, well what happened?" the blue-gray whispered.

        "Nothing much, but I had a dream," Silverstream said. Then shuddered. "Actually, it was more of a nightmare." 

        "Okay, well what happened?" Mistyfoot urged. "Well, I saw Featherkit and Stormkit, and they were being clawed and scratched at. Then, I fell down a big hole and I kept hearing their cries." Silverstream meowed as described the dream. "Could that be some kind of sign?" Silverstream wondered.

        "Well, in my opinion, you should just ignore it. You were probably just worried or something." Mistyfoot assured. "Okay but-" Silverstream was cut off by Featherkit and Stormkit's mewling. The two tiny kits stood up, and staggered over to Silverstream. They collapsed into their mother's nest and started suckling. Silverstream purred. "I'll make sure that no one will ever scratch or hurt you, little ones," the silver queen murmured.


        It was finally sun-down, and the Clan was sharing tongues. Silverstream was inside the nursery, with her kits, who were sleeping. Everyone was chattering, sharing the latest gossip, talking about memories, having fresh-kill. 

        Suddenly, Crookedstar came out of his den with Leopardfur. He stood on the big rock where Clan meetings are normally held and said, "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather around to hear what I have to say," Crookedstar called. All the cats quickly found a place to sit and listen. 

        "Leopardfur told me she has some news to share with the Clan." the leader said. He moved aside to let Leopardfur take his place. "RiverClan," The spotted deputy said. "I have news," She paused, letting the cats wonder what she would tell them.

        "As you know, our queens are giving birth to more and more kits, and our Clan is as strong as ever!" she meowed. Many cats yowled in agreement. "More kits is a good thing, but I have a special secret to share about one queen, and her kits," she continued. The cats leaned in, excited to hear. Silverstream shrank.

        "Silverstream's kits are half-ThunderClan,"


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