Chapter 4 - A mother's warning

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        Graystripe gaped his jaws in horror. He stared at Leopardfur. Leopardfur glared at Silverstream. "What are you doing here?" she growled. She looked at Graystripe. "And with him?" Graystripe stood in front of his mate protectively, but Silverstream pushed him aside. "I'll take care of this," she murmured and walked over to face Leopardfur.

        "Look, it's not what it looks like," Silverstream lied. Leopardfur snarled. "Oh, it is what it looks like. You're mating with him!" Silverstream growled. "He has a name, you know," Leopardfur ignored her comment. "Wait until your father hears this!" Graystripe tensed as he saw Silverstream stiffen. He's not going to be happy, Graystripe thought. Oh no! If Crookedstar knows, then it's for sure he's going to tell Bluestar! Soon enough, the Clans will know! Deciding to take his mind off the topic, he focused on Leopardfur and Silverstream. 

        "Well, what are you doing here?" Silverstream asked. Leopardfur smirked. "I'm taking a walk, seeing if I can catch anything, being loyal to my Clan." She snorted. "Unlike you." Silverstream bristled, and Graystripe felt the fur rising along his neck. Leopardfur turned around, walking away, but kept her eyes on Silverstream. "When you come back the whole Clan will know about your betrayal." she sneered. With one last glance, she turned her head, and broke off into a run towards RiverClan camp. "Wait!" Silverstream called, but Graystripe knew that Leopardfur would never hear, and if she did, she would ignore Silverstream's calls.

        Silverstream's shoulders drooped as she turned to face Graystripe. "I'm so sorry... This all my fault..." the beautiful silver cat whispered, and buried her face in Graystripe's shoulder. Graystripe licked her head. "It's not your fault. It's nobody's. We wanted kits, we had them, and StarClan has done nothing to prevent this from happening." he told her softly. Graystripe lay down with Silverstream, curling around her, trying to make her as warm and comfortable as possible.

        The silver she-cat purred. "Graystripe, you know how to make a she-cat feel better about herself." Graystripe licked her muzzle. "Well it's easy when my mate is the most strong, beautiful, innocent, caring, funn-" Silverstream batted his ear playfully. "Okay, stop! I know, I know. I'm the best mate you could ever have." Graystripe purred, and the two shared tongues.

        "Let's stay here for the night," Graystripe murmured. "But the kits-" Silverstream protested but was cut off. "Mistyfoot's got them right? Besides, what if Leopardfur already told everybody? You're safe here with me." Graystripe meowed. "Okay," Silverstream breathed. and the two fell asleep, curled around each other.


        Graystripe opened his eyes to a beautiful meadow full of delicious scents of prey. Where am I?  he thought. The gray tom stood up, and wandered around. "Graystripe!" Graystripe turned his head around, hearing his name, and saw a beautiful pale silver-gray tabby she-cat with amber eyes. Graystripe's never seen this cat before, but she reminded him of Silverstream. Silverstream! he realized. Where did she go? "Silverstream!" he called anxiously, forgetting about the unknown she-cat. "Silverstream!"

        The pale silver she-cat approached him while he called for his mate's name. "Graystripe," she said. Graystripe looked at her, bristling, and curled his lip. "Did you take Silverstream?" he growled, and got ready to pounce. The she-cat's whiskers twitched with amusement. "Graystripe, you're dreaming. Silverstream's safe, right beside you sleeping as well." she told him. The fur on the back of his neck flattened, and Graystripe calmed down. "Oh sorry. I didn't realize because I was so worried. But who are you?"

        "I'm from StarClan. I'm Willowbreeze," she said. "Silverstream's mother," Graystripe stood up straighter. "You're Silverstream's mother?" Willowbreeze nodded. Uh-oh. I didn't make a very good first impression. I almost pounced on her! the gray tom thought. "I'm sorry for the way I acted! I didn't mean to growl at you!" he apologized, embarrassed. Willowbreeze laughed. "It's fine, and I'm glad you love my daughter so much." Graystripe's eyes lit up. "So you approve of our relationship?"

        Willowbreeze sighed. "Yes, I do like the fact that you're her mate."

        "Yes! I knew StarClan would approve! Take that Leopardfur!"

        "Graystripe, I'm only one cat from StarClan. If I approve, it doesn't mean that the rest of StarClan does too." Willowbreeze warned. Oh yeah, I forgot about that part, he thought. Graystripe's shoulders sagged. "Oh," he said, disappointed. "But you do see a happy future for us, right?" the gray tom asked hopefully. Willowbreeze sighed again. "I can't say. But I have one warning for you," Graystripe leaned in. "And that warning is?"

        "There are troubles ahead."

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